Page 33 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 33
ested in life. It changes everything,
so you may not be creating a baby
So my first thing is I think is the return but you’re creating projects.
to natural food; the traditional vegeta- You’re creating life! In so
many different ways.
bles hold a lot of nutrients, drink a lot of
water, eat a lot of fruits and begin to en- Exactly! So that is sought of like
the gist of the two products that we
gage with your culture, that is how you’ll have.
return also to traditional medicine. The amount of social pres-
sure and tension that actually
exists, I’ll say in Afrika around
this issue has been really high
and this causes a lot of social
talking to black women and they they’re pumping too much iron, like disruption, violence, infi-
all have fibroids. I thought, but this they’re eating all the wrong foods, delity and who knows?
crazy, how come everybody experi- or they’re using too much Viagra. So
ences this? you find… Absolutely! I mean, we hear heart-
breaking stories. Because at first I
Once I got rid of my pain, it What, 20? thought I was treating women of a
completely transformed my life. I certain age, over 40s because of ear-
don’t lose any time in the month, I Yes! It is, you know for various ly menopause, at 38 or 42 really you
can work when I’m on my period, reasons it’s just like a lifestyle. shouldn’t be experiencing meno-
I can go to the gym, I can do every Maybe they’re just like sleeping pause. So I thought my demograph-
single thing. There’s no difference with too many women, so there’s ic was going to be this group of
between the day I’m on my peri- so much of this going on. When women who have already had their
od and another day, nobody can you transform even a guy’s life, say babies, and they just want to feel
tell. My energy is always high, I’m he wasn’t performing that well... good, they don’t want to get the hot
always happy, I’m always excited, my when men don’t perform well with flashes, they want to get rid of the
relationships improved, my finan- their significant other, you just find insomnia, and you know, they just
cials improved, my work improved, everything else goes down; their want to live normal lives. But funny
everything got better. And this is lives go down, their mentality, their enough, my biggest demographic
why I tell people our products are outlook, their confidence. So then is women in their 20s who have
transformational, and the same with again this is supposed to bring back abused emergency contraception
the men’s products. like that Alpha male, you know like, and are now infertile, experiencing
‘I can do it.’ It transforms every- multiple miscarriages.
Guys now in their 20’s are struggling thing, their career, their finances,
with erectile dysfunction, either their emotions, they sleep better. It’s So then you begin to learn that
they’re taking a lot of steroids, or transformational, and that is what I there’s this group of people who are
was trying to do. so stressed because they are newly
married and they are infertile, they
With the reproductive health and I are 23, 22, 24. They are infertile and
just think reproduction is the core.. they don’t understand why. That is
like literally that is our grounding. when I learnt about blocked fallo-
We all are human beings and literally pian tubes. I’d never heard about it
our thing is that we can reproduce, when I was in my twenties. I knew
we can create another generation. you could have painful periods, I
And when I talk about creation I didn’t know you could have blocked
know that if you’ve got your libido fallopian tubes, I didn’t know about
is good, you are active, you’re inter- ectopics, I didn’t know about the