Page 28 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 28


          Ronnie Lessem and Anselm Adodo:

          Publisher: Beacon Academic, Manchester, UK
          Reviewed by Dr Douglas Mboweni

                  r. Anselm Adodo and Prof.   lieve, the best of the African cultural   landscape. Here is a village endowed
                  Ronnie Lessem address, in   heritage and sustainable practices   with rich land, amazing natural
                  this powerful work, a cen-  need to be revealed, showcased, and   resources, a clean atmosphere, and
          Ftral question of our world        harnessed towards the common       wonderful people and yet despite all
          today.  What is the kind of frame-  good of humankind. Adodo and      these, poverty is written all over the
          work that will work to establish a   Lessem proffer an answer with their   village. Why?
          sustainable balance in our frightfully   worlds-wide dimensional framework   The dependence on external dona-
          fragmented world?  There is no     with a focus on Afrikology which   tions accompanied by a strong infil-
          doubt one of the significant lessons   emphasizes integral virtues around   tration of foreign value systems has
          that history has taught us is that life,   an authentic human being who has   led to the deterioration of the vil-
          at its fundamental definition, has   vital spiritual, relational, communal,   lage's own identity and culture. With
          become intolerable to a self-destruc-  and environmental elements.    the Afrikology approach, I see the
          tive individualistic perspective of                                   opportunity to re-imagine Joseph
          life. The created order was brought   I have known Fr. Anselm Adodo   village's holistic life grounded in
          into existence on the concept of   and Prof. Ronnie Lessem for over   ubuntu theoretically, pedagogically,
          interdependence, that no-one is an   three years and have been exposed   and practically. With the deep need
          island, and any attempt to redefine it   to their tremendously encouraging   for similar developments across the
          in any other way is not sustainable.   worlds-wide dimensional thinking   African continent, there is undoubt-
          For example, Adam Smith's idea     and work.  Their perspective on    edly a clear case for the setting up
          of economic growth was based on    the transformation of individuals,   of communiversity networks so as
          what he called rational self-interest   entities and societies has had a   to proactively drive the Afrikological
          (I want to call it individualism) in a   significant impact on my own per-  re-imagine agenda. In Zimbabwe,
          free-market economy.  His view was   spective and work at the individual,   such work is progressing well, and I
          that the 'invisible hand' of the free   village and corporate levels without   am determined to contribute to it.
          market would transform the indi-   diluting my deep spiritual ground-
          vidual's pursuit of gain in a way that   ing.  I am a citizen of Joseph village   Currently, I serve as the Chief Ex-
          leads to the maximization of the   under Chief Negari in the Mwenezi   ecutive Officer of Econet Wireless
          interests of society. However, what   District of Masvingo Province,   Zimbabwe Limited, Zimbabwe's
          we have seen in today's world is that   Zimbabwe.  At the village level, I   largest telecommunications com-
          society has continued to painfully   am using the worlds-wide dimen-  pany listed on the Zimbabwe Stock
          witness the glaring divide between   sional perspective to uplift Joseph   Exchange.  Even at this corporate
          the rich few and the poor masses   village to be a local and global player   level, I am finding the worlds-wide
          accompanied by a deterioration of   without losing its local grounding.   dimensional view to be a very em-
          social and moral considerations. The   For me, Joseph village, with a sad   powering framework for conducting
          world over, therefore, there is an   history of perpetual dependence on   business in a multicultural world.
          unstoppable yearning for a sustain-  donations from the Government    The business serves a diverse base
          able system that promotes the social   and non-governmental organiza-  of customers and not only does this
          and moral purpose along with clean   tions (NGOs), represents the stark   framework accommodate and re-
          value creation. This is where, I be-  irony often found on the African   spect the business's moral compass,

          28      |   Heal . Restore . Rebirth .  Afrika
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