Page 25 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 25


                               Interview with



             The Afrikan Bronze Sculptor whose Lifelike Pieces Speak Volumes

            Xhanti Mpakama is a South African Sculptor. Born and raised in the Eastern Cape at Willowvale, a small town not
            too far from where Nelson Mandela was born. Much of his inspiration comes from the environment of his youth.
            This was influenced by the annual migration of men to the gold mines which often caused great hardship to the
            women and children left at home with names like Smoking Grandmother, Mother and Child, African Man and
                        Shepherd Boy. Xhanti now lives and works in Strand near Cape Town, Western Cape.
                                                   By Chioma Phillips

          In this issue we talked to Xhanti Mpa-  activity that I enjoy the most.  were lucky because I was in front of
          kama, a South Afrikan sculptor whose   I continued with it and eventually   them. It was also very fulfilling to be
          unique bronze sculptures not only capture   met a lady who visited the Art Cen-  able to feed my family on some-
          but animate various aspects of  lifestyles   tre frequently. She liked what I was   thing that is actually my passion, not
          and experiences of  the Xhosa people who   doing a lot and so she took me to   my job, but something that I enjoy
          were his neighbors, friends and family.   various places where I met a lot of   doing.
          He has also worked on projects involving   people in the art scene. One day I
          national figures, lending his unique skill   met a guy called Warren Knight who   You have a very unique artistic
          and talent to a dialogue in art that we all   actually took all the work that I had   voice, how did you find the
          can benefit from.                  done - I think it was six sculptures   confidence to express it?
          Xhanti showed a natural artistic talent   that I had made - and he promised   When I was doing Sub-A (now
          from an early age, his memories and imagi-  to take them to the foundry and   known as Grade-R) I had already
          native ideas are brought to life in sculp-  cast them into bronze. He said that   started drawing. When my friends
          tures that are both beautiful and sensitive   once they were sold we would plan   and I were playing around outside,
          to his heritage – each one is a story in   how I would pay him. He also gave   we would take wooden sticks and
          itself. The viewer of  his pieces could stare   me a job because he wanted me to   draw on the ground with them. As
          for hours at a single piece, putting together   understand how the production   grew up, instead of stopping, I start-
          mental pictures of  what was going on in   process works when we are making   ed drawing with pencils and all that
          each one.                          sculptures. That is how I started   stuff. I had all these different things
          He designs his work in clay or wax, which   sculpting. It had just been a dream   in my imagination that I wanted to
          is then cast in bronze. His art is available   for me until that point.  express even though I didn’t know
          from selected outlets.                                                where to go in order to make it
                                             How has your art enabled you       work the most. There was no way I
          How did you get started in         to overcome hurdles in your        could actually stop it, because I grew
          sculpting? Why your prefer-        life and society?                  up doing it and I needed to take
          ence for bronze?                   Art has helped me a lot, especial-  whatever chance was available for
          I started sculpting at a place called   ly once I started to be known out   me to pursue it. So when I finally
          the Art Centre that was around the   there. Once people began to see this   got into it, I gave it everything I had.
          township. I just wanted to see what   different kind of art that I make; I
          I could do after being frustrated and   actually try to make it as different   Your work tends to speak
          beginning to doubt whether I had   as possible. I also taught kids how   about community, women,
          chosen the right career or not. It is   to do art, young kids who get so ab-  family etc. What’s the reason
          there that I started doing work that   sorbed in it. They reminded me of   behind this trend?
          began to satisfy me. I like drawing,   when I was still young and I didn’t   When I eventually started sculpting
          but sculpting happened to be the   have anybody to teach me but they

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                          ISSUE 11 | MAR/APRIL 2021  25
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