Page 22 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 22


          can be shaped and sized to meet     the building costs can be saved by owner building even when using conven-
          different building designs, plastered   tional materials. The degree to which savings can be made is dependent on
          (or not) and finished in myriad ways   the skill of the owner builder and/or the degree of skill needed for partic-
          to achieve a high level of aesthet-  ular building materials or techniques. Choosing materials and techniques
          ics and durability.  There is a great   particularly suited to the owner builder (i.e. easy to use or learn to use) will
          scope to the creative ways that earth   increase the amount of money saved. The amount of cost savings can also
          brick can be incorporated into build-  be increased by careful selection of low cost materials, which can be made or
          ing projects.                       collected by the owner builder.
          •Low embodied energy: As a build-    •Solar design: It is generally accepted today that housing designed with good
          ing material, earth bricks have a   thermal performance, includes the basic concepts of passive solar design.
          very low embodied energy because    One of the basic principles of passive solar design is the use of wall mate-
          they don’t require energy-intensive   rials of high thermal mass in order to mediate the extremes of temperature.
          processing and don’t need to be     These high thermal mass materials include burnt brick, concrete, stone, and
          transported long distances.  No gas   earth, often referred to as masonry.
          or electricity is needed to make earth
          houses, which rely instead on energy   Earthen houses are structures that use techniques that have been utilized for
          from the sun. Earth is a renewable   generations. It is an Africa architecture that is both sustainable and beautiful.
          natural resource, and its use in con-  Unfortunately, a myth exists that African house building architecture is
          struction reduces the extraction of   sub-standard, temporary or for the poor. Part of the reason why these nega-
          non-renewable resources.            tive perspectives exist is people’s lack of knowledge of these structures.
          •Safe: Unlike many industrial
          building materials, mud bricks don’t   As Africans, let us strive to proudly reclaim the rich African traditional house
          contain any chemicals or hazardous   building techniques of using earth, in building creative, affordable and sus-
          materials that are potentially harm-  tainable environmental friendly homes, and those that can be absorbed into
          ful to builders, inhabitants, and the   the mainstream housing market.
          •Owner built: The idea of using the   There are many benefits of retaining traditional African architecture that can
          sweat equity (labor) of the end-user   be tailored to the 21st Century lifestyle. Let us ensure these traditional house
          of the building, to reduce costs is   building methods are recorded for future generations.
          not new. Generally, up to 50% of

          22      |   Heal . Restore . Rebirth .  Afrika
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