Page 17 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 17


                   he African continent is   population is equivalent to 16.72%
                   massive and is endowed    of the total world population with
                   with diversity and lots of   the median age at 19.7 years. These
          Tresources to tap from,            stats are evident of the widely
          her people deeply versatile in nature,   existing youthful category of people
          yet most countries in the continent   in the continent and consequently,
          have not realized strategic ways and   raises eyebrows about the fears of
          methods on how to exploit such. As   overpopulation in Africa and wheth-
          such, much of what may be termed   er proactive measures should be tak-
          as resourceful to the larger percent-  en to avert the avarice. Evolving in
          age of people who call Africa home   tandem with this exponential young             Nyawire Michael:
          could just be an illusion mated with   population, vast labor opportunities   Is a practicing Kenyan journalist who is pas-
          lots of misconceptions.            can readily be presented with ex-   sionate  about telling African  stories  that
                                             press motive of building a sustain-  demonstrate its universal  prowess. I aspire
          It is against the backdrop of the   able and albeit resilient Afri-conomy.  to be an influential and established financial
          above quantifiable statement that                                      coach,  which  will well  help me  educate my
          this article will seek to bring to your   Besides setbacks, for instance high   fellow Africans  on reasonable practices  that
          perspective the untapped poten-    unemployment rates, income ex-      would ensure  economic soundness  and sanity
                                                                                                         for Africa.
          tial and capabilities that Africa has   ploitation by foreign investors, grad-  I write as a hobby and as a profession. I'm typ-
          failed to realize over the years and   ual influx of expatriates, and issues   ically an Africanist championing for a better
          therefore try to suggest some of the   on graft, Africa is riddled with low   Africa today and in the days ahead.
          setbacks vis a vis solutions foreseen   per capita incomes which also affect
          to be of great impact going forward   access to quality education that is
          towards posterity.                 critical to successfully achieving a   the 2011 Arab Spring revolutions, in
                                             complex and independent economy.   which youth played an integral role
          At present, there are just 10 coun-  South Africa, for instance, spends   in toppling authoritarian regimes in
          tries in Africa that receive $1 billion   6 percent of its gross domestic   Tunisia, Libya and Egypt.
          or more per year in tourism reve-  product on education, which is
          nues, signaling enormous potential   higher than the average for the more   Fortunately, there are viable solu-
          for market growth across the con-  developed nations that are members   tions that can tap into this growing
          tinent. Indeed, the region’s natural   of The Organization for Economic   potential, harnessing it to generate
          endowments, as well as untapped    Cooperation and Development. Yet,   explosive economic growth. It is
          cultural and historical resources,   nearly 80 percent of the country’s 9   estimated that Africa’s GDP could
          offer numerous opportunities to    and 10 year olds are unable to read.   reach $29 trillion by 2050, a massive
          attract visitors. At the same time,   Even the quality of teaching leaves a   leap from the current $7 trillion.
          however, in light of the relatively   lot to be desired, given that 80 per-  To achieve that, African economies
          low-income levels of most Africans,   cent of mathematics teachers can-  will need to sustainably grow by
          industry growth presently depends,   not solve the problems presented to   more than 5 percent every year. The
          to a large extent, on attracting visi-  their students. In fact, of every 100   World Bank expects them to grow
          tors from other world regions.     students who pass through South    by 3 percent this year (2021), which
                                             Africa’s education system, only 40 to   is a positive sign but still well below
          Beyond the potential for capitalizing   50 will go to university and only six   the rate needed to reach that 2050
          on natural and cultural endowments,   will graduate.                  milestone.
          therefore, the strongest candidates
          for investment are those countries   The combination of all these fac-  To accelerate economic growth,
          with well-developed travel infra-  tors; a massive youth demographic,   Africa will need to rely on its mas-
          structure, relatively open interna-  deterrent (non-adaptive) formal   sive labor pool, as well as its wealth
          tional movement policies, and an   education, low incomes and spiral-  of resources. The IMF predicts
          attractive environment for starting a   ling unemployment rates – means   that by 2035, Africa’s working-age
          tourism-related business.          it is only a matter of time until   population will exceed that of the
                                             young people take to the streets and   rest of the world combined. Well, as
          According to United Nations esti-  demand to be heard. This is not hy-  for resources, the continent has 65
          mates as of February 2021, Africa’s   perbole. It already happened during   percent of the world’s uncultivated

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                          ISSUE 11 | MAR/APRIL 2021  17
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