Page 13 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 13


          hearts, for out of it flows the issues   those who are actually the creators   to why things are the way they are.
          of life. Meaning that whatever a   of the wickedness that they inten-  Why is that? The minds of many
          man plants as seeds in his heart or   tionally call conspiracy theory. But   have been over the past decades
          whatever "oil" a man pours inside   nevertheless, the terrible things peo-  loaded with all manner of demonic
          his "engine", that is, his heart, that   ple do to other humans in the name   mental projections that are creating
          is what will determine his output   of whatever ideology they have or   such a massive delusion that its very
          on the outside and by that his life   whatever agenda they stand for can   difficult to pull away from.
          is measured either as a success or a   show you without any doubt that   Some years ago, I read somewhere
          failure.                           we are living right now in a world   (I can't remember exactly where)
          I know next to nothing about cars,   that is full of people with the most   that whenever the United Nations
          but one thing I know for sure is   degenerated hearts and intentions.   is having a meeting to make new
          that, no matter how expensive,     For instance what kind of heart    global policies at the UN building,
          complex or even sophisticated a    will create a program to vaccinate   that right under the basement or
          car is, if the engine is faulty, the   a certain race of people with gene   somewhere under the UN building,
          entire car is useless. Same way, no   altering chemicals, just so they fulfill   there is a place where sorcerers,
          matter how learned or rich a man is,   their wicked agenda to control   black magicians, wicans etc are
          if the engine of his heart is faulty,   or depopulate the world? Who in   making incantations and spells  just
          that man is nothing and even if the   God's name gave anyone the right   to make the governments of the na-
          whole world see him in a certain   to think - not to mention to create   tions of the world accept whatever
          "good" way, his true value, which is   - any form of material to reduce   policies are made in the conference
          measured by the intent of his heart,   the population of the world that   room, without question. If that
          will be worthless.                 they didn't create themselves? It all   is true, then it points you to why
                                             begins with the heart and mind that   things happen in your country and
          We live in a weird world           are not in-tuned with a simple love   you wonder what's wrong with your
          Sometimes it's quite difficult to   for life.                         government. How they manage to
          separate men with wicked hearts                                       make internal policies that are noth-
          who seemingly are doing "great     Protect your heart                 ing but crap without any good for
          things" on earth because they have   The level of filth, corruption, evil   their own people. But almost all the
          the means to do so, from those     and wickedness projected on the    time, such policies tend to favor the
          with right heart and intent but    media, both mainstream and social   organizations of those people who
          who lack due environment and       media, is outrageous and nothing   call themselves the globalists.
          resources to express the same. Take   less than a mental weapon against
          for instance, for quite a long time,   life on earth. You may want to label   Just take out time to reason out why
          there have been stories of those   the things you see that your mind   your nation is the way it is.
          who, because they have money to    tells you are inhumane as conspir-
          make almost anything happen, have   acy theory, but if you are paying   Why with all the resources your
          been involved in all manner of     attention, you will know that even   nation has, especially Afrikan na-
          biological genocides of people in   the pandemic, like I have said, was   tions, your people are still poor or
          various nations of the world,  but   planned just to bring in a new level   undermined. We are dealing with a
          hiding behind the veil of charity   of control on the earth through   massive dark weaponry unleashed
          and goodwill. Covid-19 as a created   what the globalists call the great   by darkness using the media, mov-
          pandemic actually helped open up   global reset.                      ies, music videos, books, magazines,
          some of these people to the public.                                   TV shows, cinemas etc to create
          Well, I guess the public that are pay-  The media space is full of toxic   such an unstable mental plane that
          ing attention and not busy calling   content and mind-altering pro-   is getting everyone very disoriented,
          everything that sounds too evil for   paganda that have the power and   except those who have understood
          the human mind, conspiracy theory.   the energy to create walking dead   how to protect their hearts from
          For the term conspiracy theory     men with no ability whatsoever     such trash.
          seems to be the newest anthem in   to identify and also refute what
          town, especially for those who are   the forces of darkness are doing.   People become what they
          too lazy in their minds to connect   People just know that things are   allow inside their hearts
          the various strands of the same    going haywire by the minute but    There was a recent incident where a
          story which is coming together and   not many are connecting the dots as   young Kenyan boy of 22 killed his

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                          ISSUE 11 | MAR/APRIL 2021  13
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