Page 14 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 14
entire family. Police reported that some of the five senses that allow mental disorders, worries, violence,
he murdered them in cold blood. information, at least from the out- wickedness, dishonor for human-
On further investigation, it was also side, are "closed". I am not knowl- ity and the community e.t.c. The
reported that the boy confessed to edgeable in this area, so I won't say one simply reason that could easily
have been inspired by a Netflix se- anything further, even though I am come to mind is that, humans have
ries called Killing Eve. You see that? aware that the human conscience pushed the buttons of godlessness
is much more an inner reality than to its limit and which is causing so
That's the power the materials that that which comes from the outside. much of cosmic disorder, dishar-
enter our hearts have over our lives, mony, confusion and many are
either for good or for bad. So when Now, our mind or heart is influ- looking for a quick way out of the
I say that like the Shell advert, we all enced by the things we see with effects of these disorders.
need to understand that our hearts our eyes, hear with our ears, speak
and minds deserve the best "oil" with our mouths, smell with our Our earth is like the womb of a
to enable us become better people noses, feel with our skins and which woman that incubates and brings
in our communities, it's a simple are all the five common gateway forth in multiple folds whatever is
case of garbage in garbage out. You systems. And because it is clear in planted in it. We as humans have
can't spend all your time watching the teachings of the Bible that out done a "good job" of planting
porn and not have the tendency to of the heart or out of that which is mostly the seeds that are evil and
want to rape a woman when the sex contained in the heart, the mouth certainly, the things we have sown
energy gets over you. Same way you speaks, it therefore also means that are coming back to hunt us as fruits
can't spend time pouring into your out of what is contained in the of wickedness. There is a Nigerian
heart and mind the oil of goodness, heart, oftentimes allowed through proverb that says "The child that
peace, love, kindness, compassion the gateways of our five senses, we says its mother will not sleep, it too
and then live out the life that is not act out on the outside. Meaning that will not sleep". How is that? The
commensurate with that which you for everything that is good or bad moment a child goes to sleep, it
have poured inside your heart. in our societies and communities, gives the mother a good opportuni-
they are all the fruit of the trees we ty to sleep also.
We must stop trying to change our planted in our hearts through the
world and start changing our hearts. seeds we allowed through our five The day is far spent and the plant-
Global warming is nothing but gateways (senses). For a good man ing season is clearly almost over and
a global warning that the human or woman out of the goodness of because it's a natural law that one
heart has gotten to the point where his or her heart brings forth good must reap the fruit or fruits of what
it needs help and that help can only things. For a good tree cannot pro- was sowed, either good or bad,
come by the renewing of minds and duce an evil fruit. we cannot continue to behave like
hearts in constance with the mind as if our daily choices and deci-
of God. Period. The age of irresponsibility sions are not the same thing as our
In case you have not noticed yet, we seed-planting and thus harvest must
You can say there is no God and are living in an age and a generation be expected.
also tell yourself that man is the that has thrown life's caution to the
ultimate god for himself, but you wind of irresponsibility and careless We must be careful of what we al-
can see what that has created and is living, all in the name of advance- low into our hearts and minds. Why
still creating on earth. ment and have become so confused is this important? We are simply
in their dealings with life to the on the outside what we are on the
Protect your heart, life or death point that the entire foundation of inside.
flows from it. humanity is out of course and is We cannot close our eyes to the
headed for some violent collision things that are going on in our lives
The doorways of our five senses if we do not stop to renew and and society. It is time to review and
I have often wondered what it feels reframe the workings of our hearts reframe our minds, mindsets and
like to be deaf, dumb and blind. I and minds. by that rescue humanity before it is
have wondered what people with too late.
such "disability" have on their inside I have also been wondering why
as thoughts, imaginations and inner there is a sudden spike in the cases
realities, since the door ways of of suicide, depression, familicide,
14 | Heal . Restore . Rebirth . Afrika