Page 18 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 18


                                                                                run as local franchises and, thus, rely
                                                                                on domestic capital and local staff,
                                                                                which necessitates improvements
                                                                                in local capacity. The low quality of
                                                                                customer service is often attributed
                                                                                to the lack of education levels in the
                                                                                region in general, and the absence
                                                                                of hotel and restaurant management
                                                                                training courses in particular. This
                                                                                could hinder the further develop-
                                                                                ment of the industry by potentially
          arable land. In the energy sector, 45   related to unsafe roads, inade-  driving consumers away. Therefore,
          out of 55 African countries have   quate water supply and sanitation,   investing hugely in a more strong
          oil reserves and the continent has   poor access to hospitals and other   education system will equip and
          8 percent of the world’s natural   emergency services, expensive and   empower Africans to spur a viable
          gas. The hydroelectric potential is   inconsistent electricity, and inade-  and resilient economy.
          an estimated 1,850 terawatt hours   quate construction procedures.
          every year, three times the current                                   3. Environmental and security
          demand. There is a further 1,300   Indeed, one of the major challenges   risks.
          gigawatts of wind-power potential,   for tourism businesses in Africa,   In the absence of effective coordi-
          along with untapped geothermal     especially those working in more   nation and management of envi-
          sources and the largest solar energy   remote destinations like safari lodg-  ronmental conservation policies, the
          reserves on the planet, between the   es, is how to ensure safe, reliable,   natural assets that bolster Africa’s
          Sahara and the Kalahari deserts.   and affordable access for clients.   potential for tourism development
          There is also an abundance of un-  While domestic movement is most    are likely to deteriorate. The conti-
          derground resources such as cobalt,   often restricted by the quality of   nent is facing a widespread problem
          manganese, diamonds, phosphates    roads and public transit infrastruc-  of deforestation and the potential
          (fertilizer) and gold.             ture, international access is often   extinction of its most popular
                                             constrained by complicated and     wildlife species due to habitat loss
          Unleashing this potential requires a   expensive visa procedures, as well as   and poaching. Despite some recog-
          whole-of-society approach to miti-  poor development of the aviation   nition and collaboration by African
          gate the already visible risks of the   industry.                     governments to address these prob-
          forgotten youth demographic.                                          lems, most countries in the region
                                             2. Economic risks.                 perform well below the international
          Challenges of  Tourism in          Related to the problems of lack    average in terms of environmental
          Africa                             of infrastructure and economic     sustainability. Many businesses are
                                             mismanagement is the high cost     finding creative solutions to these
          1. Infrastructure and institutions.  of doing business in Africa, which   problems. One of which is the
          African ministries for tourism tend   is particularly acute in the tourism   use of solar panels, which reduces
          to be under-funded, requiring do-  sector due to importance clients give   contributions to carbon emissions,
          nors or investors to step in and fill   to the price-value ratio. Within the   while also limiting reliance on
          the gaps. In some cases, donor-driv-  region, it is more expensive to devel-  unreliable electricity supply chains
          en development can be extremely    op a hotel in countries with higher   and lowering operational costs. The
          effective—for example, an “anchor   import duties and weaker infrastruc-  tourism industry is responsible for
          development” site in Tunisia re-   ture for construction projects—such   about 5 percent of anthropogenic
          ceived initial stimulus from Western   as Angola, Ghana, and Nigeria—  carbon emissions in Africa, and the
          donors, which ultimately led to the   and these high costs are passed on   share is growing. Given that climate
          buildup of a destination that now   to consumers. Where travelers face   change will pose a major impedi-
          receives 7 million tourists each year   higher costs, they expect a higher   ment to the global tourism industry
          and accounts for 7.5 percent of an-  quality of experience, but many   in the coming decades, the rise of
          nual GDP. Although there is some   tourist destinations and attractions   eco-tourism is a promising pathway
          variation, even the more developed   in Africa remain poorly managed.  to build positive feedback loops
          African destinations face problems   Most international hotel chains are   between tourists and environmental

          18      |   Heal . Restore . Rebirth .  Afrika
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