Page 29 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 29
but it also opens opportunities for grounded in one's natural environ- our world. The serious inequalities
tapping into the rich assets of rural ment (South), Emerging culturally created by the North and West's
Zimbabwe where over 65% of the and self-consciously (East), glob- individualism can be solved by
population is housed. A customer ally Navigate different fields of picking and integrating lessons
in the rural setting can no longer be knowledge (North), and ultimately from the Ubuntu (brotherhood) of
viewed simply as another number in globally-locally Effect both the the South, which recognizes that
a low-value customer database. Ev- local and global environment in a everyone's humanity and welfare is
ery individual is viewed as part of an sustainable way (West). Therefore, ideally expressed in relation to that
interdependent network working to as it tries to understand and create of others. A person, therefore,
enhance value creation at all levels knowledge epistemologically, the depends on other people to be a
of the network. Respect and value Afrikology GENE-ius is found by person. I hope you will be encour-
of the individual as part of a bigger being Grounded in the African aged and challenged to think and act
picture is critical. My business has a South, Emerging both locally and completely outside the box as you
passion for re-imagining the rural as globally, thereby drawing also on the thoughtfully go through and reflect
a sustainable way of developing the East, North and West to Navigate on this incredible work.
individual and society at large. and ultimately Effect the local and
global environments.
Lifting my eyes off my village,
my business, my country and my Adodo and Lessem argue that such
continent, there is no doubt that we a process is essential for global
live in a world which is desperate for integrity, which can only be reached
impactful and sustainable solutions, when all the four worlds engage ef-
a world that has been let down by fectively whilst remaining anchored
so many man-made systems, a world on their respective grounds. This is
that has suffered immensely from particularly important in a multicul-
the irresponsible actions of man- tural environment as the dominance
kind. Therefore, it is not a surprise of one culture or the "One world
that there are loud cries emanating fit all" approach creates an imbal-
from all the four ends of the globe, anced world to the detriment of the
for an inspired way of thinking and peoples of the world. Lessem in
doing things, for actionable thinking theory, and Adodo via Pax Herb-
that functions in harmony with na- als in Nigeria, also with Abouleish
ture and culture whilst riding on the citing the renowned case of the Douglas Mboweni is the current Chief
appropriate technologies to establish Sekem Group restoring the Earth Executive Officer of Econet Wireless
sustainable enterprises. The future in Egypt, in practice, remind us that Zimbabwe. He was the successor to Econet
must be completely re-imagined and complementarianism and integration Founder, Strive Masiyiwa in March 2002
innovated in a holistic manner that are fundamental aspects to holistic and has been at the company's helm since
embraces every individual's dignity living as the best aspects of the var- then. Douglas has more than 20 years
as an authentic human being, the ious worlds are integrated without of senior management experience in the
preservation of every square inch of the loss of the local grounding of Information Technology and Telecommu-
the globe and the equitable steward- each world. nications industry. He was also part of the
ship of every resource placed before team that spearheaded Econet's entry into
mankind by the creator. Therefore, this book by Adodo the international mobile markets, including
and Lessem is critical in a world in Botswana, and Nigeria, one of Africa's
In their work, Adodo and Lessem, where the voices from other worlds largest mobile markets. Since taking over,
emphasize the need to consciously have drowned the African voice. Mboweni has overseen the growth of the
and actively recognize that commu- As I have already mentioned, I am largest telecoms company in the coun-
nities, organizations, and societies currently participating in initiatives try, and one of the largest companies by
grow and evolve interdependently, so that the African voice is heard revenue and profit in Zimbabwe. This is a
thereby releasing their GENE-ius. 'Afrikologically'.
What is this GENE-ius? The Gene- Lessem and Adodo's work in this unique case in Africa, where the lead-
ius approach, as they articulate it, book is a valuable contribution to ing telecoms company is usually
necessitates the need to be locally the sustainable, balanced future of foreign-owned.