Page 34 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 34


          emergency contraceptions, nobody   of  secondary contraceptions,      period is painful, more than likely
          was on the emergency contraception   use of  Viagra and anything      you’re bloated, or more than likely
          in the 90s. Nobody ever said P2, but   else?                          you’re not passing enough stool,
          today I’m like, what!                                                 you’re not having bowel movements.
                                             Use of normal contraceptives,      You’ve got all this stuff stuck in
          Then you discover there’s this cul-  change of environment, you know,   your stomach and then it presses
          ture of having sex without intending   like stress is a big one. Because   on the reproductive system. So it’s
          to get pregnant but using protection,   remember that now we’re living a   all interrelated, and that is how they
          and using emergency contraception   life where we’re chasing money all   treated it.
          like normal contraception and once   the time and the stress  we put on   And also inflammation, because if
          you’ve abused this it leads to the ec-  the body is unbelievable, we’re on   you’re dealing with prostate issues
          topic pregnancies, multiple miscar-  the go all the time, as opposed to   then you would be trying to just
          riages we’re seeing all the time.  relaxing. I mean, there are people   help settle the body so it can do
                                             who buy Arorwet, then they’re like,   what it does best.
          The same demographic has erectile   ‘Oh my God, he’s stressing me.’
          dysfunction in the young men due   And I’m like, you know, for you to   Maybe you can tell us a little bit
          to excessive alcohol intake, or the   get pregnant, you must be relaxed   about how the products work,
          wrong lifestyle, now you’re talking   for you to conceive, and for you to   for those who are a little anxious
          about, ‘he can’t do it’, he can’t   create an environment that will hold   about using herbal remedies.
          produce a sperm that will make you   a baby, you must relax. So you have   What does it do inside the body
          pregnant. You see it’s such a serious   to bring in counseling; we have the   once you take it in, and what
          problem and it’s unbelievable. Once   counseling element to our business   does it work on and what chang-
          you’ve heard the stories you’ll just   as well, where we can tell people;   es does it bring about?
          change your whole outlook about    'You’re not less of what you are just
          what’s going on around. Because    because you don’t have a baby.'    Okay, so like Arorwet itself has
          that is not going on for you, or                                      actually got eight trees. Arorwet
          you’re not hearing from your peers,   Right! Because the primary      for me is the base, used for treating
          but now when you hear there’s this   thing is actually to make your   digestive issues in the village and
          group of people struggling with                                       also for washing babies. It’s quite
          these kind of things which you     body healthy. It’s not so much     interesting that the Kipsigis do
          didn’t struggle with in your 20s, then   about having babies, it’s about   that where when the baby is really
          it changes everything.             making sure your body is           small they wash them in herbs and
                                             functioning the way it’s sup-      Arorwet is critical for that. Those
          You’ll be surprised how many wom-  posed to.                          herbs all do different things and
          en have gone and had a shot, for                                      they work together synergistically
          they say that; 'I’ve had two children   Absolutely!                   to do something together and to
          then I wanted to have a break, so I                                   do something individually. In there,
          went and got this implant or I went   And these products seem to      first of all, there’s something for
          and got Depo.'                     do that, because reproductive      urinary tract infections, because with
                                             and digestive health deals with    the amount of sugar we eat in our
          Then they’ll say; 'My period has dis-  the endocrine system, that’s   system Candida is now recurrent.
          appeared and I want more kids and I   everything from the head all    Women get Candida every month
          can’t get the third one, my husband   the way down.                   along with the sores with the pain,
          is stressed, so he thinks I’m sleeping                                because they itch and they scratch. It
          around.' There’s infidelity charges,                                  doesn’t even get time to heal before
          the family is broken because I can’t   Well, that’s how they are created,   the next cycle. So what’s happening
          continue having the babies that he   because that’s when you really dis-  inside is that it’s scarring, which
          wants. I mean, it’s emotions, it’s   cover how smart our ancestors were,   brings the tubes together. The first
          psychological, it’s everything, it’s a   because they were creating products   thing is to get something that clears
          family unit getting totally destroyed   that deal with you holistically. It is   that urinary tract infection from
          by infertility: primary or secondary.  the same thing with the digestive   your system, because sometimes you
                                             system, it impacts the reproductive   go to the pharmacy and you get the
                                             system big time. That’s why if your
          That’s devastating. So diet, use                                      topical application, you put it on you

          34      |   Heal . Restore . Rebirth .  Afrika
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