Page 35 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 35


                                                                                ic medicines are not working for
                                                                                everything, there are no cures for
                                                                                cancer, there’s no cure for blood
                                                                                pressure and diabetes, you just keep
                                                                                taking the medication forever until
                                                                                some point it ruins your kidneys.

                                                                                So, you have to be on a preventive
                                                                                mode, taking things like Arorwet
                                                                                or Tendwet, or even your Moringa,
                                                                                or your Neem, taking things that
                                                                                prevent you getting sick in the first
                                                                                place, things that prevent you accu-
                                                                                mulating cholesterol in your body.
                                                                                Adopting a diet that suits you, that
                                                                                your ancestors adopted, that’s what
                                                                                you should be looking at, and that
                                                                                mentality will lead you home and to
                                                                                the right solutions for you.

                                                                                Any last words for Afrika and
          feel better, but it’s still in there, that’s   like eating fruits, you find yourself    the world?
          why it flares up again. Second thing   nibbling on fruits all the time, so it
          is to change the pH of the body,   changes your palate, it restores the   For me, what’s coming to pass like
          because if it’s acidic we’re moving it   body back to factory settings.   especially now that you see, what
          into an alkaline state, and things like                               we went through in 2020 with the
          those infections don’t survive in an    So, what would your advice,   COVID  19 situation. I think you
          alkaline state. So taking dawa (medi-  or your counsel be to Afri-    can be sitting in your house think-
          cine) does that automatically by just   kans who are basically get-   ing what to do to prevent your
          shifting your pH balance. It stops   ting hooked on conventional      children from getting sick, and they
          the reinfection and the scarring, and   medicine.                     have to go out there, they have to
          then it has another thing in there                                    go to school, they have to interact
          that’s like a decongestant that goes   Well, really we’re speaking to the   with others. I’d say reach for the
          in there, and softens those scars and   middle class, because it’s the middle   traditional remedies , even if it’s
          then they come out; that’s when    class who are living in apartments   just preventative and look after
          people say they had a discharge or   in the cities disconnected from   yourself. I say your  culture is your
          brown things coming out of the     their grandmothers and grandfa-    immune system. There's an Afrikan
          body. When the same decongestant   thers, who don’t speak an Afrikan   renaissance, a cultural of renaissance
          sees a fibroid it knows this is a for-  language anymore, don’t eat Af-  taking place right now. You know it’s
          eign element and it’ll go in and start   rikan food. You’re talking to that   like we’re coming back and this is
          to soften it, and it will start to come   person to who food is a burger and   who we are.
          out as clots or just like flesh.
                                             chips, and medicine is a panadol, or   Find out more about Harriet's Bo-
                                             anti-histamine. So my first thing is I
          I feel like Arorwet is this way to first   think is the return to natural food,   tanicals and contact them at
          calm the physical body down. When   the traditional vegetables hold a lot
          the physical is calm you begin to no-  of nutrients, drink a lot of water, eat
          tice, you listen more to yourself. If   a lot of fruits and begin to engage   Watch the full interview at Msingi
          you’re tired, you rest, so, you begin   with your culture, that is how you’ll   Afrika TV on YouTube.
          to give yourself a lot of wellness,   return also to traditional medicine.
          you begin to feed back wellness to
          your body. You begin to eat better,   Traditional medicine is making a big
          it makes you thirsty, you drink more   comeback, mainly because allopath-
          water, it makes you hungry, you feel

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                          ISSUE 11 | MAR/APRIL 2021  35
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