Page 32 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 11
P. 32


                                                                                that anybody can look at that tree,
                                                                                let’s say it’s Arorwet or Tendwet and
                                                                                know; this is medicine. You know
                                                                                like if 100 years from today people
                                                                                will still have a record of what it
                                                                                was we were doing, they can see it
                                                                                online and they’ll be like, wow, these
                                                                                people were doing XYZ, it’s knowl-
                                                                                edge that’s not forgotten. It is part
                                                                                of documenting and archiving our

          because it comes from there. So    husband? So I developed a men’s    The more you interact with trees,
          Webuye was brought and I experi-   formula just off the back of my    the more the trees communicate
          enced like 25 percent less pain, and   head, thinking about what typically   with you and you soon begin to
          that was my introduction to tradi-  would go into a men’s formula with   know which is for which, and I
          tional herbal medicine. Fast track   the focus on the prostate, because   continue to develop more and more
          I was given medicine from Keiyo,   just the same way women are suffer-  products.
          Marakwet; there’s medicine you take   ing from reproductive health issues,
          and then you vomit for days. The   men are suffering as well. And even   That’s amazing. What is Aror-
          whole idea is that it’s supposed to   whether it’s low sperm count or   wet  and Arorwet?
          clean out your tummy, get all the   erectile dysfunction or poor libido,
          toxins out, that’s what supposed to   those are the same markers women   So Arorwet is ‘Cape Ash', that’s the
          be causing the cramping, making    have: poor egg quality, or they don’t   English name, Tendwet  'Prunus Af-
          you uncomfortable, the bloating, the   produce eggs at the right time, when   ricana' and Prunus Africana is well
          gas, the excess water retention.   they have this problem they are not   known for the treatment of prostate
                                             interested in sex at all, that’s when   cancer, for men over 50 in Europe.
          Then later on during my father’s   they call it ‘I have a headache’. And   There was a time 20-30 years ago,
          funeral, I got introduced to our own   you find women are doing so many   people were harvesting forests of
          Kipsigis herbs. And there’s a lady   things to manage their pain, they’re   Prunus Africana and exporting
          who brought them to me because     taking lots of painkillers, or they   them.
          I was really suffering. It was pretty   could be drinking alcohol. You find
          obvious  something uncomfort-      that, the week before that’s when   What I found very interesting is
          able was happening. So when she    they start drinking lots of wine,   nobody ever thinks of the African
          brought them I experienced, for the   trying to manage their mood and   market. People come to the forest
          first time, a painless period, like the   their pain.                 and discover an amazing thing, and
          first time in my life and that was a                                  the first thing they want to do is
          long time. When this happened, I   Somebody else encouraged me to     sell it to a French pharmaceutical,
          rushed back to get some and gave   go to the University of Nairobi    or next thing it’s being retailed in
          them to a friend. And my friend,   pharmacology department, to have   New Zealand. So how come nobody
          who was on her way to a hysterec-  my mixture tested and looked at, get   ever thinks of us? When I lived in
          tomy, now she experienced her first   the scientific names, analyze what’s    London, none of those doctors ever
          painless period.                   in them and why they behave the    thought of me as a black African
                                             way they do. I did just that and got   woman, to figure out what were my
          She shared this information with a   my certification, after which I was   needs. I  discovered that fibroids
          Whatsapp group, and that is how    allowed to advertise on social media.  are a predominantly black woman
          my business was born. People were                                     illness and prostate cancer is a black
          like: give it to me, my cousin, my   The more you interact with your   man’s disease.
          sister, my aunty, and the same group   own herbs from your own culture,   It’s not very high up on the mark-
          encouraged me to develop a men’s   the more you discover other things.   er for what they are trying to find
          product, because they were like; well   So I decided to use the Kipsigis   the treatment for abroad, because
          I’m feeling good, but what about my   names to immortalize the culture, so   it doesn’t affect their population
                                                                                predominantly. So you walk around

          32      |   Heal . Restore . Rebirth .  Afrika
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