Page 24 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 24
the entire universe. It is these es- but today as we have advanced in
sential beings (genius creators) of science we have found out that there
Arvy Ngayaka Ngala-Ngala from Kongo nature that constructed all the tis- are Quantum energies and atoms
and so on and so forth.
sues in chosen spaces. They created
(DRC) is a 26 year old Marketing Specialist at everything as small as atoms, oxygen
Signori Armadio, he is the Head at Zola Ban- and all the elements that Sir Dmitri So, this means that spirituality is not
tu. He is Student of the Servant of Holy Spirit Mendeleev placed on his periodic in contradiction with good science.
for the Conscience awakening of Black people table. Good science built on truth, built
on good comprehension of ener-
for the preparation of the 3rd Civilization of a Note: Dimitri Ivanovich Mendeleev gy has to normally be aligned with
1,000 years in the heart of Afrika in the time was a Russian chemist and inventor. spirituality, because spirituality is
of Aquarius. He is best remembered for formu- advanced as compared to science
lating the Periodic Law and creating and science moves step by step to
a farsighted version of the periodic catch up with spirituality. Now, on
table of elements. (Born 8 February the 7th level of this, post-creation,
1834, Died 2 February 1907) source: all the elements created unite to
Wikipedia form the ecosystem or nature so
that humanity can finally carry out
And from these tissues there were its experience.
other essentials beings that were
working to elaborate the minerals of Finally, the gems of spirits de-
the earth, such as the wind, air, fire, scended into the post-creation
and water, etc. And for the combi- coded in scriptures to say, “And
nation of these elements, there were God breathed into their nostrils the
also other genius creators that the breath of life, and men became liv-
Kongo ancestors call the simbi that ing beings”. The innovation here is
create trees; they enter trees or stay that the gems of spirits arrived from
on the outside of the trees to push the subtle planet of the spiritual
cause you need to place Afrika and
the true children of Israel (Bantu), the trees up in a chosen space, in creation and they passed by 6 other
in line with their true history to the cosmos and later they formed planets/kingdoms of light that are
have a right comprehension of the nature. It’s not a lesson of science subtler than here where they were
enveloped by a shell/envelope/
that we are teaching you here, but to
events as they unfolded. This will
permit you to recapitulate on certain be brief the visible nature and the house of that universe. They wore
things which are norms today, but in invisible nature as we will explain the clothes that are making our
reality it is the wrong interpretation better later of the 7 cosmic commu- morphology best known in the east
of history. The Illuminati took total nities found in Revelation chapter as the 7 chakras or 7 centres of en-
ergies found in our human anatomy
2-3 coded in an initiation symbolic
charge and control of this informa-
tion to distract the entire humanity language were constructed by the that serves as a door or location of
about the true identity of the true simbi. They were constructed by where each universe is. For anyone
Israelites. the genius creators of the universe today, a human has a spiritual nu-
that are known as the army of the cleus, a fire/energy will of the Holy
Lord in ancient texts, confused Spirit (God the Creator), and in this
Ladies and Gentlemen we will see in
5 stages how humanity evolved. by religious people to mean an- spiritual nucleus is found a human’s
gels. These genius creators of the spiritual potential also known as
universe encapsulated all the brains fruits of the spirit mentioned in Ga-
Stage 1 of energy and they created a lot latians 5:22. We arrived on earth by
So, there is creation and God by the of things in the universe. Today in passing through different universes,
intervention of primordial spirits science many scientists are begin- various universes, 6 in total, up to
that surround his house, they sent ning to discover atomic quantum when we arrived here on the earth.
brains of energy so they could form physics and brains of energies, but
the universe. The plan was received back in the day humanity had only
by the essentials, and it means the stopped at protons and electrons, if Stage 2
beings of nature who then placed you remember from chemistry class,
the foundation bricks to construct Now the question is how did we
24 | we tell the true afrikan story