Page 25 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 12
P. 25


                                                                                spirit, the human be introduced for
                                                                                the first time in creation. A human
                                                                                came from the spiritual world in the
                                                                                garden of Eden and they made him
                                                                                wear the skin of an animal so that
                                                                                he could live well on earth. And all
                                                                                this happened for the first time at
                                                                                the centre and basket of Afrika.

                                                                                Where do we get this information?
                                                                                What are our sources? Well, 1. From
                                                                                the “archives of the Mwela Kongo”
          arrive here? Our first ancestors that   higher kingdoms, there was instead   found in the 4th kingdom of the
          the bible calls in a coded language   a cosmic turn (“And God breathed   Spiritual world, 2. The revelation of
          Adam and Eve (the adamic and       into their nostrils the breath of life,   the Lord our Creator through our
          eve civilization). How were they   and men became living beings”.).   Afrikan ancestors, and 3. From the
          created? They came from heaven     When we say a cosmic turn, it      lecture/study and decoding of the
          and came out as people on earth?   means something new has entered    word of God in the sacred texts
          Who made them wear this animal     into the universe. When these pri-  such as Quaran, Bible, Surat, Egyp-
          skin? The bible says they were in the   mates arrived at maturation, instead   tian book of the Dead, Ethiopian
          garden and after they sinned they   of the soul groups of animals that   Bible, Buddhist and Hindu texts, etc.
          discovered they were guilty and God   constitute the characteristics of
          killed an animal to dress them up,   primates to come and encapsu-    Man came out of Afrika for the
          but chased them out of the garden,   late in the female flesh (womb) of   first time. When the first humans
          Genesis 3:21. Was the garden of    these animals, God allowed (God    arrived on earth, it was due to
          Eden here on earth? Or was it a    breathed into their nostrils) his high-  the thousands of primates, that
          spiritual place? If it was a spiritual   est allowed through a mathematical   God prepared. God prepared this
          place and not on earth, how could   and high guidance that the gems of   evolution of the animal reign, until
          they sin in the spiritual kingdom? Or   spirits should enter into the animal   such a time as - among the animals
          did they themselves feel the need to   flesh.                         - specific primates were chosen.
          leave the spiritual kingdom to expe-                                  Our ancestors called them children
          rience life physically on earth? Does   When we say a human is an animal,   of the soil, Bana Ba Ntonto. The
          this contradict the text that says,   we do not mean animals in the   children of the soil, got married
          “God chased them out?”, these are   sense that we have the spirit/soul   to the children of the Zulu (stars).
          existential questions we need to ask   of an animal inside of us, no! It   The children of the soil are the
          ourselves. This is your assignment to   means that when two primates mate   animal primates evolved from the
          solve. Let’s move on.              through sexual intercourse, habitu-  soil, the plants, the mineral reign,
                                             ally they were calling the soul of the   that the essentials beings of nature
          How were they made? How did        animal that corresponded to that   elaborated. Genesis 1:24, “And God
          the human appear? Quote, “and      race to continue the procreation, but   said, “Let the land produce living
          man became a living being”. All    this time around there was a cosmic   creatures according to their kinds””.
          this happened in the heart of the   turn, when two chosen primates    Proof and evidence right there in
          equator in Ntimasi in Afrika. There   would mate and form the envelope   the scriptures that animals came
          came a time, a chosen time in the   (infant in the womb of the female)   from the soil. So when the scripture
          animal reign when a special primate   instead of the soul of the animal   says, “And God formed man from
          evolved. It evolved because it was   incarnating that pregnancy, a gem of   the dust of the ground,” it does not
          prepared for the next project. When   spirit incarnated.              mean that He formed man using the
          these primates matured, during their                                  soil like sculpture artist, no. It simply
          last act of procreation (sex) before   The bible says God breathed in the   means these essential creators of
          maturing instead of making a call   breath of life, into man and man   the universe with the guidance of
          (having sex), to a soul of the species   became a living being, Genesis 2:7.   God, guided this incarnation of the
          of the family of those apes in the   This happened so that the gem of   children of God into the bodies of
                                                                                the chosen primates.

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 12 | MAY/JUNE  2021    25
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