Page 27 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 27


          only the lucky who manage to thrive   includes the necessary machinery   arrangements about how to go
          within the socio-economic matrix   and equipment in order for society   about it and within a few weeks of
          make it to the top.                to produce more than the minimal   work, Inqaba Magazine was born...
                                             subsistence for its members.       or rather, reborn. It was the revival
          2. Capitalism is externally stable, in   The difference, therefore, between   of a previous creation he had begun
          that survival in a capitalistic    advantages and disadvantages reflect   and in essence, the revival of a
          system requires innovation and     the global problem presented by    dream.
          flexibility to keep up with the chang-  capitalism. Disadvantages highly
          es in supply and demand. Such a    outnumber advantages.              Dr Bhengu from his words and
          system is generally prepared to deal   Therefore, an economic emanci-  writings, was very passionate about
          with the influx of competition from   pation process should begin by   Afrika and the emancipation of her
          external sources.                  acknowledging the fact that peoples   people. He was an accomplished
                                             of the Third World demand a recog-  author, scholar and public figure,
          3. Large populations are likely to   nition that says their knowledges are   having served as a Member of Par-
          be diverse, which is beneficial to   embedded in their ecology where   liament in South Africa. These were
          healthy capitalistic systems.      each knowledge has its place, its   not things he threw in one’s face,
                                             claim to a cosmology, its sense as a   they were - simply - extensions of
          4. Large, diversified societies tend to   form of life. In this sense knowl-  who he was and what he believed.
          gravitate towards hierarchical social   edge is connected to livelihood, a
          systems; capitalism easily adapts to   life cycle and a lifestyle.    He felt very deeply that Afrika needs
          such structures (http://graphcomp.                                    to reconnect to its ancient paths and
          com/home/bfree/opinions/econo-                                        ways of doing things and was clear
          my.html. Accessed on 22 September   Note from the Editor:             in his thinking about how this could
          2012).                                                                happen. He was able to draw the
                                             It was shocking and painful to hear   line between ancient and modern
          Disadvantages                      of the demise of Dr Bhengu a       and situate Afrika’s current needs
          Well, the literature is rich when it   few weeks before this issue of the   precisely in the face of these two
          comes to the disadvantages of capi-  magazine was published. My hus-  realities. His theories of Afrikonom-
          talism, as the follows:            band and I first had an interaction   ics and his writings and teachings on
          1. Capitalism develops individualism  with Dr Bhengu when we reached   Ubuntu serve as a map and a guide
          2. Modern capitalism assumes that   out to him about using one of his   to those who are seeking to find
          human beings are primarily         articles in one of our earlier issues.   routes to the positive aspects of the
          economic beings.                   He wasted no time in given us the   Afrikan past while understanding
          3. It creates greed                permission to go ahead with using   and seeing the needs of the present.
          4. It radically affects any culture that   the article back then. A few weeks
          is under its sway                  after we first interacted, he himself   While brief, our interaction with Dr
          5. It develops self-interest rather   reached out to us and we had quite a   Bhengu was deeply felt, even fiery,
          than social good                   lengthy conversation.              and it is heartbreaking to know that
          6. It develops a sense of monopoly                                    he has already crossed over.
          rather than sharing                He shared with us this vision that
          7. It destroys local cultures and   he had about having a magazine and   Having said that, as it has been with
          knowledge                          specifically wanted us to help him   other custodians of the history and
          8. It tends to do away with morality   create the magazine. He was specific   paths of Afrika, our best mourning
          in economic relations.             about wanting the same template    of this life, perhaps, would be to
          9. It is immoral and unjust        that we created for Msingi Afrika   glean the riches of his teachings and
          10. It was never subjugated and    Magazine, which also included us   begin to see what can be applied to
          colonised, so that its strength    using the same website theme that   the present. That way, his is not a
          and resilience can be determined.  we had used for his own. That, for   loss, but another mighty seed plant-
          11. It fails to reconcile wealth accu-  us, was one of the first times that   ed in the rich soils of our hearts.
          mulation with spirituality.        someone was so appreciative of
          Notably, under capitalism, private   what we do with our magazine that
          ownership, for the most part, con-  they wanted exactly the same thing
          trols the means of production; that   for themselves. We made quick

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 13 | JULY  2021         27
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