Page 30 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 30


          ting whatever employment you need
          from where you live, recognizing the   Sustainability means getting your food
          fact that I am, because my colleague
          is. That you cannot live on your    from where you live, getting whatever
          own, that you need others.
                                              employment you need from where you
          The pandemic means recurrent sick-  live, recognizing the fact that I am, be-
          ness of people, recurrent death of
          people… meaning shock. Families     cause my colleague is. That you cannot
          need psychosocial support from
          within the community. Members of    live on your own, that you need others.
          the communities concerned need to
          support each other, so that members
          who get sick are counseled, they are   for deficiency diseases, which can   accepted because it’s dangerous for
          supported, they are treated. What I   kill us maybe as fast as the Covid   them to accept it, because they are
          mean by treatment is, I contend that   19. Meaning those young men who   responding to international dictates
          nature is very wise, nature has cure   have run away from Nairobi because   that are beyond them. However,
          for whatever malady that can be,   there is no employment should      communities can treat themselves,
          because it would be an imbalance to   be assisted to engage in organic   communities can mitigate against
          have a condition that doesn’t have a   farming wherever they live. Basket   the senseless deaths, by using what-
          cure. Our concern and challenge are   farming means it can be done along   ever medicines are available where
          to look around, see what materials   the walls of a shelter, it can be done   they live, and in particular herbal
          our forefathers have used for other   along a tree trunk, it can be done   medicine, which is working very
          pandemics, cast them, like I have   under a shade; we have many crops   well.
          done, and come up with a formu-    that can grow that way. Soil is ev-
          lation that is tackling Covid 19 very   erywhere, water is wherever people   They must eat well and other
          effectively; It can prevent, it can   live… these are the types of skills   medicine must be developed in the
          cure. By the same token, embracing   the agricultural people should pro-  form of herbal tonified teas, herbal
          a lifestyle that mitigates against the   vide, while the medical people look   tonified coffee, so that, as peo-
          spread of the condition is para-   around at the vegetation available,   ple drink the tea they are used to,
          mount. Adhering to natural health   consult people like us so that we can   they also enhance their immunity,
          requirements on social distance,   craft medicine that can sustain our   which prevents them from getting
          on wearing the mask, on avoiding   people, even as they struggle with   the disease. By the same token, the
          crowded places whether shelters,   Covid 19, especially now that the   same tea leaves can be injected with
          schools or the rest plays a role.   hospitals are overwhelmed.        something that is viricidal, so that,
                                                                                for those who have mild infection,
          Lastly, whether you are sick or not,   Does it mean that Covid 19     the tea alone can contain it. There
          you must eat. When people are      has a cure?                        are many ways of doing it, unfor-
          incapacitated to an extent that they   Covid 19 has a cure, but those who   tunately these ways are not being
          cannot do what they normally do,   are spreading it don’t need a cure.   embraced at the quarters they are
          they don’t grow the food they need,                                   supposed to be embraced. But, our
          meaning they will starve. They don’t   It’s being spread for a purpose. It’s   constitution, the laws of the land,
                                             a strategy of population extermina-
          have adequate food, they don’t have   tion through Covid, and those who   allow communities to do whatever
          a balanced diet; meaning for those   escape Covid are eliminated through   they can to enhance their survival,
          like us who have an agricultural   the vaccine. We know. These are    which is their fundamental right.
          background, we have to craft new
          ways to grow whatever we need.     facts. Nobody has challenged this   So, what I am hearing you talk
                                             conspiracy theory on the pandemic.
          Through using basket farming,      Otherwise, as a traditional medical   about is a return, in a sense, to
          which requires minimum space, to   practitioner and a professional med-  our traditional ways, but in a
          grow the fastest growing vegetables,   ic by training and practice we have a
          fastest growing fruits like tomatoes,                                 more enhanced way, using the
          so that even as we struggle with   cure; it can be cured. I gave the cure   knowledge, information and
                                             to authorities that matter, it wasn’t
          the disease, we do not create room                                    understanding of  today and

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