Page 34 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 34


              is documented evidence of      •   What is the way forward in
              fully vaccinated persons get-     addressing the Vitamin D defi-
              ting infected with COVID-19       ciency at population level? The
              and some dying from severe        author of this article, a public
              COVID-19 disease despite          health physician and epidemiol-
              being fully vaccinated.           ogist, also trained in nutrition,
          •   Do we have evidence that          recommends that in addition to
              Vitamin D deficiency is the       taking a daily intake of 5000i.u
              “forgotten remedy” that should    of vitamin D supplements, daily
              be included in the mitigation     exposure to the “noon sun-
              strategies to address the unfold-  shine”, for half an hour to one
              ing Indian COVID-19 situation     hour, where possible, is suffi-
              and indeed everywhere else?       cient, especially for those with
          •   John Campbell, in this short      darker melanin pigmentation.
              video, explains why vitamin D   •   Consuming safe(not grown with
              deficiency is part of the prob-   agrochemicals) organic foods,
              lem and how availing Vitamin      rich in Vitamin D, from local,
              D and raising it blood levels is a   diverse and traditional foods, in-
              solution:    cluding fish and fish products, is
              com/watch?v=1Q_mhJRFtxg           one affordable and sustainable
          •   Ryan Cole, a Mayo Clinic          way of addressing the rampant
              Trained Board Certified clinical   Vitamin D deficiency: Have a
              pathologist, confirms the critical   listen to these videos explaining
              role of Vitamin D in mitigating   why local and traditional foods,
              severe COVID-19 outcomes:         in addition to exposure to sun-
              Listen to him in this short vid-  shine, can address not only the
              eo:     Vitamin D deficiency but also
              video/InH89amCpy7S/               Zinc deficiency and other nu-
          •   Ryan Cole explains fur-           trients/mineral deficiencies that
              ther in this article: https://    are vital for metabolic balance.
              •   Going forward, a comprehen-
              news/our-greatest-weap-           sive nutritional approach should
              on-against-the-coronavi-          constitute a critical component
              rus-is-vitamin-d-board-certi-     of the continuum of care in
              fied-pathologist                  mitigating not only COVID-19
          •   As further confirmation, this     but also other infectious diseas-
              article, https://vitamind.        es, in addition to non-commu-
              news/2020-12-29-vitamin-          nicable diseases(NCDs) which,
              d-prevents-90-percent-coro-       on their own, are independent
              navirus-deaths.html# by Dr.       risk factors for more severe
              Osborne explains why and how      COVID-19 disease outcomes:
              vitamin D, in combination with   •   Finally, have a listen to the
              Zinc and other treatment regi-    author of this article articulate
              mens, can prevent up to 90% of    the benefits of agroecological
              COVID-19 deaths.                  organic foods: https://www.
          •   Furthermore, here is evidence
              that, up to 90% of hospital-      3Fr5c
              izations are associated with   •   and this one:
              Vitamin D deficiency: https://
              31-vitamin-d-deficiency-cause-  •   Feel free to share and provide
              covid-hospitalizations-deaths.    feedback.

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