Page 33 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 33
Health & Healing MY AFRIKA
Vitamin D:
Addressing its deficiency is the solution to severe COVID-19
By: Dr. Peter Mokaya
he month of April, 2021 This month’s article seeks to that-obesity-is-a-major-risk-fac-
is almost gone, but not highlight Vitamin D as part of the tor-for-severe-covid-19-disease-
without the shocking ex- “problem” and also part of the outcomes.html
Tplosion of COVID-19 in- “solution” to severe COVID-19
fections and severe COVID disease, outcomes. This is therefore a follow • The Indian experience presents
in India, resulting in painful and up article to identifying the key an opportunity to address the
needless deaths. This has left many modifiable risk factors for severe conundrum of COVID-19
people, especially those doctors who COVID-19 disease. phenomenon unfolding in
study diseases, their risk factors, dis- front of our eyes, leaving
tribution and determinants puzzled • The March article highlight- public health experts, including
and scratching their heads: These ed obesity as a significant risk virologists and epidemiolo-
doctors are also called epidemiolo- factor for severe COVID-19 gists scratching their heads as
gists. The author of this article is an outcomes: https://organ- to what went wrong and the
epidemiologist, among others. possible solutions, in addition
our-blog/159-did-you-know- to vaccinations. Indeed, there