Page 36 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 36
Lawrence Freeman is a Politi- of which 50,000 were civilians. Pres- it was forces loyal to the TPLF, not
cal-Economic Analyst for Africa, ident Abraham Lincoln was unyield- the Ethiopian NDF, who committed
who has been involved in economic ing in his commitment to save the this atrocity.
Union, no matter the cost of human
development policies for Africa for life. Lincoln possessed the inner The Big Lie
over 30 years. He is the creator of directedness to maintain the Union The most often repeated allegation
the blog: lawrencefreemanafricaan- as an indivisible whole, against the against the Ethiopian government,
separatist rebels. Had he not, the Mr. Freeman’s stated U.S. would have been destroyed by first reported by the Associated
Press (AP) is; that there are 4.5 mil-
personal mission is; to eliminate pov- slavery, and a slave economy; the lion Tigrayans in need of immediate
erty and hunger in Africa by apply- world today would be entirely differ- lifesaving aid. Under the headline,
ing the scientific economic principles ent-and for the worse. ‘Extreme urgent need’: Starva-
tion haunts Ethiopia’s Tigray,
of Alexander Hamilton Media Stokes Fears Regarding AP reports on January 17, “More
Tigray than 4.5 million people, nearly the region’s
Western media, led by the British, entire population, need emergency food”
have use inflammatory stories to en- according to an unnamed source.
courage the withholding of humani- The article continues, “a [unnamed]
tarian aid from Ethiopia, at precisely Tigray administrator warned that
the moment when it is needed most. without aid, ‘hundreds of thousands
might starve to death’ and some already
The Washington Post in its January had, according to minutes obtained
27th editorial demands that the US by The Associated Press.” Following
and European Union “should withhold the AP story, news outlets all over
further aid until …government agrees the world including on YouTube
to pursue peace talks,” after accusing videos, recited the same narrative;
Prime Minister Abiy of having “all 4.5 million Tigrayans were starving.
the earmarks of Ethiopia’s previous
dictators.” There is a second article in issue
of the London Economist sighted
es severe collateral damage. People More egregiously, is the headline in above, in a section labelled Famine
are displaced, economy is disrupted, the January 23rd issue of the Lon- Crimes, with the headline, Ethio-
and civilians suffer. No death of don Economist: After two months pia’s government appears to be
a single human being is insignif- of war, Tigray faces starvation. In wielding hunger as a weapon,
icant because the human race is a blatant assault on Ethiopia and with a subhead, A rebel region is
endowed by the Creator with noble Prime Minister Abiy, the Economist being starved into submission. In
creativity. However, to preserve the accuses the government of “war this article, the Economist equates
nation-state for more than one hun- crimes” and quotes an unnamed Prime Minister Abiy with former
dred million Ethiopians living today western diplomat who says, “we could Ethiopian Marxist dictator, Mengis-
and for hundreds of millions more have a million dead there in a couple of tu Haile Mariam, whose policies
in the future, war, when absolutely months.” contributed to the death of one mil-
necessary, must be waged. (Read: lion Ethiopians during the drought
Ethiopia’s Conflict: A War Won to Barely a week after the start of the from 1984-1985. They write:
Preserve the Nation-State) war, with the TPLF insurrection-
ists still in control of Tigray, CNN “Things were supposed to be different
I am reminded of the famous printed an inflammatory headline: under Abiy Ahmed, the Ethiopian prime
Gettysburg Battlefield in Pennsyl- Mass Killings of civilians in minister who was hailed as a reformer
vania, and the enormous number Tigray region, says Amnesty when he took charge in 2018, and who
of American deaths that occurred International. CNN writing on the won the Nobel peace prize the following
during the U.S. Civil War. An cruel massacre of 600 Ethiopians year. Yet once again it looks as if hunger
estimated 700,000 Americans died on the evening of November 9, in is being used as a weapon in Africa’s
during this four yearlong brutal war, the town of Mai-Kadra, south-west second-most-populous nation.”
Tigray, blatantly failed to report; that
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