Page 35 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 13
P. 35
Horn of Africa Endangered by Untrue Media
Attacks on Ethiopia
By Lawrence Freeman
n January 2021, the world wit- People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam
nessed a barrage of attacks on who then lashed out against the (GERD) are still ongoing.
Ethiopia aimed at undermin- government in Addis Ababa.
Iing the efforts of Prime Minis- War is Sometimes Necessary
ter Dr. Abiy Ahmed to preserve the Ethiopia has provided stability in The Tigrayan People’s Liberation
sovereignty of the Ethiopian nation. an oftentimes volatile region, as Front committed sedition when they
This is a dangerous gambit not only well as economic leadership in East attacked the military base of the
for the potential harm it can trig- Africa. Neighboring Somalia, where Ethiopian National Defense Force
ger for the people of Ethiopia, but Ethiopia forces have combatted Al (NDF) stationed in Mekele, in the
also for the security of the Horn of Shabaab for many years, is in a pre- early hours of November 4, 2020.
Africa. It is well known that Prime carious state following the removal They killed NDF soldiers in their
Minister Abiy launched the Pros- of U.S. AFRICOM troops to its un- sleep and stole munitions for their
perity Party (PP) in 2019 to create a settled and contentious presidential militia. Prime Minister Abiy had
non-ethnic centered political party election. Somalia has also severed no alternative but to launch a full
to overcome the rise of ethno-na- diplomatic relations with Kenya. scale military response to subdue
tionalism. Unfortunately, ethnicity the insurrection conducted by the
is embedded in Ethiopia’s 1995 Additionally, unresolved, and some- leadership of the TPLF.
Constitution. The PP challenged the times quarrelsome talks between Su-
decades long control over Ethiopia’s dan, Egypt and Ethiopia pertaining No one can argue that war is not
political institutions by the Tigrayan to the fill rate of Nile waters for the horrible and deadly, and that it caus-