Page 17 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 17

In January 1891,
                                                                                                    Re-Education the  bodies
                                                                                               of  four Lakota Sioux are  seen
                                                                                               wrapped in blankets,  three  weeks
                                                                                               after the Dec. 29 massacre by U.S.
                                                                                               forces at Wounded Knee River on
                                                                                               the Pine Ridge reservation in South
                                                                                               Dakota. (Library  of  Congress)

                                                                                               Editor’s note: It may seem
                                                                                               like papal statements from
                                                                                               500 years ago are ancient
                                                                                               history. But Native Amer-
                                                                                               ican activists and scholars
                                                                                               insist that Catholicism’s
                                                                                               past continues to affect the
                                                                                               present. Papal bulls from the
                                                                                               1400s condoned the conquest
                                                                                               of the Americas and other
                                                                                               lands inhabited by indigenous
                                                                                               people. The papal documents
                                                                                               led to an international norm
                                                                                               called the Doctrine of Dis-
                                                                                               covery, which dehumanized
                                                                                               non-Christians and legiti-
                                                                                               mized their suppression by
                                                                                               nations around the world, in-
          DISASTROUS DOCTRINE                                                                  cluding by the United States.
                                                                                               Now Native Americans say
          HAD PAPAL ROOTS                                                                      the church helped commit
                                                                                               genocide and refuses to come
          by Vinnie Rotondaro                                                                  to terms with it. This is Part
                                                                                               Five of a six-part series on
          This article is republished by permission of NCR Publishing Company  the legacy of the Doctrine of

                   his article appears in the   tion over the Guanches people” and   In 1454, another bull titled Roma-
                   The Trail of History      the Canary Islands, which was taken   nus Pontifex furthered that thinking,
                   feature series. View the   over by the crown of Castile, a me-  sanctifying the seizure of non-Chris-
          Tfull series.                      dieval state in the Iberian Peninsula.   tian lands in parts of Africa and
          Scholars say the Doctrine of Dis-  The bull marked the first time the   restating the legitimacy of enslaving
          covery holds immense importance    papacy “made it look as though no   non-Christian people.
          in world history. They say it resulted   one was living there,” or had any
          in disaster and genocide for native   ownership over the land being pur-  In 1493, after Christopher Colum-
          peoples, but that its legacy remains   sued by European powers, “because   bus’ fateful voyage, Inter Caetera
          largely overlooked.                there were no Christians there,”   granted Ferdinand and Isabella
                                             Newcomb said.                      “full and free power, authority, and
          According to Steven Newcomb, a                                        jurisdiction of every kind,” over
          columnist for Indian Country Today   That “pattern of thought” then   almost all of the Americas, save for
          and co-founder of the Indigenous   began marching through history.    a portion of modern-day Brazil and
          Law Institute, what became known                                      a few island outposts.
          as the Doctrine of Discovery       In 1452, the papal bull Dum Di-
          originated from a series of papal   versas instructed the Portuguese   More bulls followed, said Newcomb,
          bulls issued in the era following the   crown “to invade, capture, vanquish,   author of the book Pagans in the
          Crusades.                          and subdue all Saracens, pagans,   Promised Land: Decoding the Doc-
          The first bull of consequence was   and other enemies of Christ, to put   trine of Christian Discovery. Each
          issued in 1436 and titled Romanus   them into perpetual slavery, and to   bull incorporated language from
          Pontifex, he said. It concerned “the   take away all their possessions and   preceding bulls, he said, forming
          concession of the right of domina-  property.”                        a mosaic of papal license that was

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 15 | SEPTEMBER 2021    17
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