Page 13 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 13
in particular because the curfew treatments have been deployed to needless deaths from people who
hours run from 10pm to 4am. handle the situation, instead of were told to wait at home until it
Between 4am and 10pm each day, insisting on what are proving to be was too late for these interventions
Kenyans are interacting with each deadly experimental ‘vaccines’? The to work. Especially considering that
other in the market, at work, on numbers on VAERS (US) and Yel- insurance companies are not cover-
the street, in public transport, in lowCard (UK) alone indicate deaths ing the cost of treatment and many
sporting activities, at home in family in numbers that would have stopped are being forced to dip into their
gatherings and on and on. Visit any other vaccine trial many times savings or to borrow in order to be
any town, any crowded shopping over and a long, long time ago – and able to cover the exorbitant costs as-
center and you will be amazed by even though the vaccines have prov- sociated with current approved pro-
the amount of interaction taking en to have deadly side-effects and to tocols. Surely, if the governments
place sans protocols. Based on many be less effective against the so-called of the world and the WHO and the
of the photographs and news clips Delta variant and to demonstrate rest were so keen on the survival of
we see of politicians interacting… reduced ‘protection’ over time – and all mankind, they would have en-
well, let’s just say the example set is despite the fact that pro-vaccine sured that Ivermectin and Hydroxy-
not so great. However, in Kenya at scientists recommend against vacci- chloroquine got a closer look when
10pm, based on the killings, coer- nation during a pandemic because Dr Stella Immanuel and the rest of
cion and other treatment, surely the of the effect of causing variants – the doctors in her group brought it
virus gains much more potency and and despite the fact that the mRNA up and talked about the successes,
poses a much greater threat so as to inventor advises against the use of they were having with it in early
deserve such a strong response from those types of shots… regulators treatment of Covid – instead of
the authorities. No? around the world chant in unison, humiliating and shaming them and
as though mesmerized, that not painting them all as hacks, liars and
But then again, there is much about only are they pushing ahead with even worse, people who were trying
the Covid situation around the the program, but also that they are to destroy the human race.
world that has not made a single bit now encouraging booster shots and
of sense, from the very beginning, shots for children who are the group These are questions we have been
as we keep pointing out. First, the least at risk of death from Covid. asking since 2020, not necessarily
numbers of so-called infected are Not to mention the cases of death for the regulators, because they
weird, because the PCR test (which in Afrika that are being hidden from have shown their hand very clearly,
the CDC is abandoning) produc- view forcing those ‘being protected’ but more so for you to think about.
es false positives in 95% of well and who are aware of these unre- What cause would the governments
people – the so-called case numbers. ported deaths to the realization that of the world have for preventing
Secondly, empty coffins have been not only is their government not on their citizens from access to low-
turning up and numbers of deaths their side, but that they need to keep cost, effective prophylaxis and treat-
cooked across the world. However, their heads down and be seen to tow ment for a disease that they say is so
if there really was a global crisis that the line, or else. deadly that your entire life has been
everyone was so concerned about put on hold, that your relationships
protecting billions of people from, Surely, existing approved pharma- have been impacted negatively, that
then wouldn’t every effort have been ceutical medication (for those who your earning potential has been un-
made to unearth the truth about its abhor the thought of traditional der threat for over a year now, that
origin so as to quickly learn more medicine which is an approved pri- your freedom has been taken away?
about the virus and ways to deal mary healthcare method according Or, maybe what they say is true…
with it – in addition to dealing with to the WHO – and we know there They’re simply trying to save you.
those who created it? If there were are those who have the cure out
a real crisis, wouldn’t every single there) that have been in the market Oh, and by the way, have you looked
possible solution available have been for years, to the point where they into the sales performance of both
considered with all seriousness in- have cost-effective generic alterna- Pfizer and Moderna lately?
stead of censoring genuine medical tives that would radically drop the
practitioners who wanted to help cost of treatment and even intro- Thinking is important, especially
stop the spread of the disease? duce a prophylactic aspect to the right now.
so-called fight against Covid would
Wouldn’t safer and more trusted have been embraced? Preventing