Page 8 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 8
Samuel Phillipss
ovid-19 began like a mi- story entirely. Obviously, from the magnets sticking to people’s bodies,
nor infection that broke way things have turned out over right on the spot where they re-
out by some random the past two years, it’s clear, from ceived the jab. Is there nanotechnol-
Cmistake or so. And, like a multiple sources, that the pandemic ogy at work here? And what are the
horror movie showing in a haunt- was created in order to bring in the bodies of those who have received
ed house, within the space of two vaccine mandate and the various the jabs being prepared for? Find
years, in what they call a pandemic regulations that have followed. out for yourself.
(Plandemic suits it better), more Meaning that, the Covid-19 itself
than four million people are said to was not the issue, but the introduc- As at the time of writing this article,
have died globally of a disease that tion of the vaccine, which in turn is which is 14th of August 2021, the
is known to be 99.9 percent surviv- a means to create the very next level global Corona-virus Cases were
able. Imagine that. of existence on earth, was the plan reported to be 206,980,203 million,
all along. They may not tell you di- Deaths 4,358,550 million and Re-
It is not a minor thing that those rectly what this whole thing is about coveries were 185,602,663 million
whose agenda created the pandemic or what the plan is, but for the one according to www.worldometers.
actually watched as the disease shat- paying attention and putting the info.
tered the entire global space, and dots together, you will see that this
life simply stopped being the same. whole vaccine thing is preparation The question now is this, if the vac-
for the next level of evolution. That cines do not cure Covid, if they do
Yes, many deaths have been re- is, the merging between man and not prevent anyone from contract-
corded globally, but whether they machine. If you do not believe me, ing the virus, and if its a fact that
died of the disease itself is another then ask yourself what’s up with those who have been vaccinated
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