Page 9 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 9


          happen to be the ones spreading    seen by the naked eye, but also of   that a GREAT JOB has really been
          the virus through shedding, why    physical structures that are used for   done in the area of vaccines, health
          again were the vaccines mandated?   both the entry and exit of things.   care, reproductive health services
          Think about that. And also think   In fact, a gate system is simple what   and the result has actually been the
          about the fact that there are said to   allows for both entry and exit of   globalist sterilization agendas imple-
          be about four billion doses of the   things both seen and unseen. Now,   mented all across the globe. Some-
          various vaccines all over the globe,   gates can also be humans, in that   one may say, what if Bill Gates was
          yet people are still dying.        men, either by their spiritual status   just predicting the future when he
                                             or social status, become entry or   made that statement over a decade
          From the beginning, I have smelled   exit points for things. Meaning   ago? Well, I do not believe it was a
          a big, fat, dead rat in the entire   that when a person, by their lives   prediction. It was just an announce-
          Covid-19 narrative and the way the   and choices, allow themself to be   ment of what they planned and the
          push for vaccines was enforced; and   the entry and exit point of deci-  execution of the plan.
          I came to a conclusion that there is   sions that affects others, they have
          something else going on with this   become gate systems either for    To explain further, let me share the
          pandemic story. Anyone paying      good or for evil. In the case of the   lyrics from one of the songs by the
          attention could see it for what it   man called Bill Gates, the owner of   late artiste, Prince. The lyrics were
          is: a global medical genocide for a   Microsoft, he definitely has become   shared a few days ago by someone
          wicked depopulation agenda.        nothing short of the Gate of Hell.   on Facebook. They clearly picture
                                             Why did I say that?                what we have going on right now
          The Lies and falsehoods                                               about the pandemic and the vac-
          Initially wrapped in various layers   The truth is that Covid-19 was not   cinations. The title of the song is
          of lies and miscommunication       a pandemic that arose from nat-    New World, it was released in 1996.
          about where or how it all began,   ural occurrences, but a lab-based   Please pay attention to verse 2 and
          fingers where pointed at China’s   planned medical genocide with one   3.
          Wuhan lab which was later con-     purpose in mind, to reduce the
          firmed to be where it actually be-  population of the world and by that   [Intro]
          gan. But like the unfolding of many   create a new world order that can   New world
          other global lies and cover ups,   be “managed” by the evil globalists,   New world
          America’s hands what finally found   even as they steer the entire world   New world
          to be the very ones that funded    into the reign of the man of sin,   New world
          the death experiment. They clearly   popularly known as the Anti-Christ.
          have mastered the art of using the                                    [Verse 1]
          hands of others to steer various    He who has eyes to see, can see the   When the sharpest vibration
          evil broths that have rendered many   direction the entire world is being   Saves you from obliteration
          families hopeless, caused untold   driven to. But how can I be so sure   The intelligence of  your bed reacts
          pain and hardship in what they want   of the role of Bill Gates in this   Covering you head to toe with an air-filled
          to call third world countries, while   whole scam? See the next para-  sack
          at the same time claiming they are   graph; I am sure you’ve already seen
          the police of the world and telling   the video or read about it some-  [Chorus]
          everyone about human rights and    where else before.                 When the lines blur every boy and girl
          good leadership. The question still                                   How we gonna make it in this brave new
          remains; what exactly was the rea-  Sometime in 2010, the man, Bill   world?
          son for the release of this evil called   Gates, was recorded in a TED talk   Love for one another - New world
          Covid-19? GENOCIDE! Or let me      video saying “The world today has   Love for one another - New world
          say MEDICAL GENOCIDE. It’s         6.8 billion people. That’s headed up
          that simple.                       to about 9 billion. Now, if  we do a   [Verse 2]
                                             really great job on new vaccines,   When you wanna find some isolation
          The Gate of  hell is a person      health care, reproductive health   But the tracker you got from vaccination
          When you hear of gates or gate     services, we could lower that by, per-  (Keeps playing)
          systems either in the Bible or in any   haps 10 or 15 percent”.       Keeps playing - “you’ll never walk alone”
          other areas of studies, they do not   In just ten years after this statement   (Over and over)
          only speak of portals that are not   was made, you will agree with me   They’re always listening, especially on the

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