Page 6 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 6

EDITOR's note

                                                                              Chioma Phillips

            n 1975, Diana Ross sang a song called, “Do you know where you’re going to?” Some of the lyrics are:
            “Do you know where you’re going to? Do you like the things that life is showing you? Where are you
         Igoing to? Do you know? Do you get what you’re hoping for? When you look behind you, there’s no open
          door. What are you hoping for? Do you know?” Many people in the world do not have a clue where they
          are going to and find themselves struggling against or with realities they cannot seem to control. Others
          are entirely sure that they are the ones directing things and to what end... these may be the most clueless
          of all, because while they think that they are the players - they have been super-played. Then there are
          those who have been warned of the coming of this existential angst, its true causes and told what to do
          about it, whose biggest plan seems to be to wait for an escape from it all, while hiding their heads in the
          sand; when in reality, they are meant to have the answers for how people are supposed to be able to
          overcome it. And on we go towards the point of no return.

          We have been saying repeatedly, since the beginning of the year that 2021 is not the kind of year to play
          dumb, to rest on one’s laurels or to try to just get by. This year demands all of our full engagement to un-
          derstand what is going on, why, and what to do about it - and to act in accordance with the understanding
          gathered... or else find oneself stuck in a world that is desperately trying to suck everyone into a vortex
          of stupidity. The month is September, four months remain... time to get to work or double-down if you
          already had. Build an outcome you can confidently answer for.

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