Page 10 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 10
When the lines blur every boy and girl
How we gonna make it in this brave new
Love for one another - New world
Love for one another - New world
[Verse 3]
Wait a minute
New world
Did you hear about the new pill? It feels
like sex!
Guaranteed to thrill with no ill side-effects WATCH DR JACK GITHAE’S VIDEO HERE
A pill that will stop the wrinkles, a pill
that will stop the pain
A pill that will make a baby never seek entire African continent due to the mouths of those who want us dead
political gain “genocide policy” exercised by or constantly broken.
What’s it all for when you can alter countries like the United States and
biology? Britain, Press TV reports. Here is a I am however concerned about the
Who or what, then my friend, will you statement by Lawrence Freeman on group of puppets we have at the
and I be? his website which sheds more light helm of Afrika’s affairs, who love
Who or what, then my friend, will you on the depopulation agenda: the crumbs from the tables of their
and I be? masters more than taking time to
“The international global financial system understand that, for Afrika to be
[Bridge] itself, run by the city of London and Wall the oldest civilization in the world
When the sharpest vibration Street, they don’t want Africans to live. and still endure until today, it means
Saves you from obliteration They want to reduce the population. The there is what our forefathers knew
When the melting pot stirs, how you going genocide policy is continuing in Africa about how we live, which should be
to take it? over these many decades,” Lawrence replicated even now.
When you can’t tell him from her, how Freeman, Africa Desk at Executive
you going to fake it? Intelligence Review, told Press TV Concerning the madness called
on Oct. 12. Covid-19, the Msingi team had a
[Chorus] conversation with Dr Jack Githae
When the lines blur every boy and girl He went further to argue that the (A Kenyan Holistc Medicine Prac-
How we gonna make it in this brave new global financial system refuses to titioner) in an interview and he told
world? make any investment aimed at elim- us, without mincing words, that he
Love for one another - New world inating hunger and malnourished has a cure for Covid-19, which he
Love for one another - New world in Africa, saying, “We are making a presented to the government of
decision to kill people rather than build Kenya, but they rejected it. Mean-
Did you see that? Remember it was infrastructure in water, energy, rail trans- ing that the issue is not whether
the same Prince who sang about portation and agriculture that could feed Covid-19 can be cured or not, but
Osama Bin Laden coming to bomb people.” that they really do not want it to be
America years before 911 hap- Mr. Freeman further pointed to the treated, and the reason is simple:
pened. History often repeats itself views of “Malthusian extremists” Covid-19 is a tool for delivering the
not because it just wants to do so, who believe that “the world is over- real weapon of mass extermination,
but because history repeating itself populated,” adding that “numerous which is the various vaccines they
is basically the plans of men being statements” by Britain’s royal family are giving to the masses globally.
recycled. suggest that they have similar ideas.
My advice. Do not be caught in the
What’s happening in Afrika My thoughts madness of Covid-19 vaccines. If
A political analyst says poverty I really do not give a toss about you need to reach Dr Githae for his
and hunger continue to plague the what anyone says about Afrika, Covid-19 solution, reach us at the
especially when it comes from the contacts on our contact page.
10 | we tell the true afrikan story