Page 44 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 44

Food Health

                                                                                are dealing with around the world.
                                                                                The issue of food is very important,
                                                                                People must be concerned about
                                                                                their food, I wish musicians would
                                                                                be able to do more about transmit-
                                                                                ting messages about it. Unfortunate-
                                                                                ly, a lot of today’s music has no real
                                                                                message. It is just like they say, that
                                                                                the music of today is like the crack
                                                                                of the 80s, it is just doing what it is
                                                                                going to do and it is later that you
                                                                                will see its effect. We should have
                                                                                more musicians coming out with
                                                                                issues in their music, and I want to
                                                                                congratulate some of the musicians
                                                                                in Ghana who had the presence of
                                             that we used to live. But because   mind to make songs about them like
          Afrikan societies are very much    we have discarded that, because
          agrarian. We do not have to be     we have relegated them to having   Bobo Shanti, it is very important to
          embarrassed about that there is    no form of value, we do not look   support them.
          nothing wrong with it. Sometimes   at them anymore. But you should    We tried to seriously introduce the
          when we discuss agrarian societies,   ask yourselves: how did our ances-  issue of food so that it could be
          people want to make it seem like   tors keep things so pristine for us
          agrarian societies are very backward,   to meet? The rivers and lakes. If   discussed as an important issue
          but at the end of the day, human   the likes of our generation were   between two flag-bearers of two
          beings get back to wanting to live   to live on this planet for as long as   leading political parties, and always
                                                                                there is a comfortable way that they
          simple, get back to wanting to be   we have, we would have nothing to   would dodge it. There is a comfort-
          close to nature, get back to wanting   give back to future generations. So,
          to eat from the ground. That is that   we are very much involved in the   able way that they would sneak away
          old school form of life, you know,   advocacy for these issues to be at   from it, pretending that they are
          that we have gotten so far and we   the forefront. In Afrika the media is   always with the people, but when it
                                                                                comes to the core issue to discuss
          realized that was what was valuable.   always talking about issues that do   these issues, they want to find a way
          We need to respect a little bit more   not have much real positive impact
          about how traditional Afrikan soci-  on moving us forward progressively,   to sneak out and not discuss it. But
          ety existed, because it existed in such   so, unfortunately too, a lot of issues   when the people, and the musicians,
          harmony with nature. You look at   around food sovereignty do not get   and people like you start fanning the
                                                                                flames and more people understand
          us today, we are struggling to keep   discussed much in the media.    that food is a very basic issue… and
          the environment in such a manner
          that it would be able to support us.   In fact, when Food Sovereignty   you know with Afrikans you cannot
          And yet this is something that came   started advocacy there was a lot of   mess with our food. You try and
          naturally to our ancestors. They did   ridicule, we were ridiculed so much.   take something from an Afrikan’s
                                                                                plate and it is a serious issue, so if
          not have to be puzzled about how   “Who do they think they are?” But   Afrikans knew what was happening
          to treat the earth, how to treat the   at the end of the day, people now
          grass, about how to treat the river.   recognize that the issue we started   everybody would be with Food Sov-
          This is certainly a more advanced   discussing in 2013 was a very serious   ereignty everybody would be trying
          way of living, and you cannot con-  issue. That the trampling on human   to advocate for the best thing to be
                                                                                done with our food.
          vince me otherwise, because we see   rights is very real so, even in the
          what is happening to the rivers now   courts, lawyers who did not think
          yet we have all these international   we had much chance of cases when   You are right, it is such a basic
          organizations and all these treaties   we first started, who did not under-  need that it makes you wonder
          and all that…                      stand the issues, now realized that   why people would not think of
                                                                                it as a hot issue, because it is
                                             this an issue that we are dealing with   so intimate; food and water and
          Just go back to the traditional ways   on the ground that other countries
                                                                                whatever else you drink they go

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