Page 47 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 47

Food Health

          conservation coalitions and civil   that variety is lost.             because these are the things that
          society organizations, AFSA, who                                      matter to future generations. In 100
          share information with us and we   So, everywhere you are around      years’ time children who will come
          share it.                          Afrika, get to know the foods that   to find certain trees it will only be
                                             your grandmother was eating, your   possible because of the kind of ad-
          Eventually we are going to start   aunties were eating, look for the   vocacy she did. So, certainly, I would
          asking for support, even if it is 20   seeds and start planting them. That   like to end with saluting somebody
          shillings, because we operate on the   is the only way to keep seeds, you   who was as great as her, and all oth-
          small funds that we can solicit from   have to plant them, keep some in a   er people who are doing great work
          the people who really believe in   seed bank, but keep planting them   in these areas, including yourself.
          these things. Unfortunately, the bulk   and respect the environment.
          of the money is on the other side.                                    I want to salute my comrades in
          The billions and the trillions are on   I want to salute Mama Wangari   Food Sovereignty Ghana, a handful
          the other side and people think we   Maathai because I lived in Kenya in   of brave men and women who have
          are funded by some people; they ask   the 90s when she was being arrest-  never relented on this work that
          who is funding you? And I ask who   ed, and beaten up, and harassed.   we are doing. We are a very small
          do you think wants to fund to make   And when I visited Nairobi last year,   organization I think our small size
          the earth not spoil? Very few people   I had goosebumps on me because   has enabled us to continue doing the
          so you do not have to worry about   I saw all the trees, the forests that   work; the bigger you are the more
          who is funding us. We need funding,   I knew still there in the middle of   compromised people get. We do not
          we need support, we need help. Visit   the city. Karura forest. If there is a   take money from any of the orga-
          Food Sovereignty, like us, follow us.   person who Kenya should have a   nizations that are involved in these
          Learn more about where you live    national holiday for, because Afrikan   negative acts, so we do not have all
          the types of varieties of spinach that   countries have holidays for things   the pickups, we do not have all the
          may exist in your country which are   that do not mean much to us, if   big things, but I want to salute my
          getting lost. Ten years ago, if we had   Kenya should have a holiday for   comrades they have remained very
          this interview and I sent you to the   someone who is worthy, it should   real. Thank you very much Food
          market to look for something there   be the honorable Wangari Maathai   Sovereignty Ghana and, forward
          are probably 2,3,4 varieties that are   for what she did. Because now we   ever, as the honorable Osagyefo Dr
          not there now that were there 10   should appreciate that the environ-  Kwame Nkrumah our first presi-
          years ago. When you think of it, in   ment is all we have, and she was far   dent said “Forward ever, backwards
          the context of what seeds are, and   ahead of her time in pushing for   never.”
          this ancient software that is packed   this to be done. She has the maxi-
          into this small package, it can blos-  mum respect from me. I want you   Thank you for not giving up, 8
          som, gets water on it, gets sunlight,   to take that up personally, to help   years is not a short time to be do-
          gets warmth, it does its own thing   us start some buzz, start some chats   ing all of  this work and it clearly
          pre-programmed from forever…       about letting this lady have her own   is a work of  passion so, thank
          We need to know these things in    day in Kenya, by the constitution,   you, and congratulations to you
          our regions and what are the local                                    and your team.
          varieties that have existed and save
          the seeds.                         Watch Interview Here

          Unfortunately, because of the
          lobby of the commerce, the seeds
          that they want you to take up are
          cheaper, and because the first thing
          human beings think about is “can I
          afford it”, the better varieties all of
          a sudden start vanishing, because
          the person who kept them thinks
          that “There is no business in this so
          let me stop it. Next year I am doing
          this type.” And in four years’ time

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