Page 52 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 52
Originaly published on
Lawrence Freeman, November 9, 2021
resident Biden and his ad- twenty years ago, is designed to can foreign policy. Yet the “liberal
ministration have launched allow SSA nations easier access to Democratic” Biden administration
a new round of econom- American markets, in an effort to intends to impose these hardships
Pic and political warfare promote economic growth. Con- within two months, if the duly
against the people of Ethiopia, on servative estimates are that 200,000 elected Prime Minister of Ethiopia
the one year anniversary of the con- workers in Ethiopia, mostly wom- , Abiy Ahmed, does not bow to the
flict initiated by the Tigray People’s en, directly benefit from AGOA demands of the U.S.
Liberation Front (TPLF). provisions plus another 800,000
employed indirectly. Thus, Biden Let us be clear. President Biden’s
Biden Uses Trade as A Weapon would be pushing one million economic/trade warfare will only
Against Ethiopia Ethiopians into poverty. In addition impact the government and people
to the already existing sanctions, it of Ethiopia, it will have no effect
On November 2, President Biden is despicable that a sitting American on the warring rebels. In effect, the
threatened, “I intend to terminate President would stoop to the level revoking of AGOA, existing U.S.
the designation of Ethiopia, Guinea, of using trade agreements to impov- sanctions, and threatening additional
and Mali as beneficiary sub-Saha- erish an African nation. To punish sanctions only encourages the insur-
ran African [SSA]countries under the people (predominantly women) rectionists to continue waging war in
AGOA as of January 1, 2022.” of a developing nation, an ally, by anticipation that it will weaken the
AGOA-the African Growth and deepening their impoverishment was government of Prime Minister Abiy.
Opportunity Act established over is virtually unheard of in Ameri- Cui bono? In other words, who
52 | we tell the true afrikan story