Page 25 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 25
of the Cross was an Afrikan. Meaning that if the Cross carried by an this womb must give birth to that
Afrikan produced a lifting up for Christ, His drawing of all men to Himself which she is pregnant with.
will also be by the lives of the Afrikans whose backs carried this Cross.
This is one beautiful destiny that Afrika has with God that must manifest Afrika, the ancient and the
in this age of the Third Day. To give more strength to this reality of modern
Afrika’s Third Day, see what Revelation 11 says, “And their dead bodies Afrika is a gun (the modern) and
will lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom much more a shofar (the ancient) in
and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.” What does this mean in the hand of God. God is using and
reality? It simply means that even if the Lord Jesus was killed physically will more use Nigeria (the trigger
in Jerusalem, He was spiritually killed in Afrika, as depicted by the of spiritual reformation), Kenya
Passover lamb that God commanded Moses to command the people to (Land of manifestation) and South
kill prior to leaving Egypt. It simply means that the back that carried the Africa (the land of the sound), to
Cross of Christ was an Afrikan. The place where He was killed was in express Afrika as His gun. But
Afrika and by that same pattern, where He rose and will also manifest the most important is Afrika as a
from after the Third Day will also be Afrika. Talk about the continent Shofar(The ancient) in the hand
whose destiny was graciously tied to the living Christ and His Third Day of God. God will blow through the
resurrection. This should paint an accurate picture of why Afrika has heart of Afrika as His Shofar and
suffered for so long. healing, restoration and rebirth of
life will spread through the nations
Hear me Afrikans and the land of Afrika, your suffering is not in vain and of the earth. For the sound of God
neither will the Blood of the Lamb of God, shed in you, be in vain. For made the earth in the beginning
the Kingdom of the Eternal King will rise from the very heart of this land. and his sound will make it again in
our day.
Out of Egypt
It is spoken of Christ by God that out of Egypt God called His Son. This So let Afrikans and the world hear
doesn’t just speak of Christ alone, but in eternal sense, out of Egypt this. Afrika and you as an Afrikan
(Afrika), God will call forth His sons and daughters. For they whose are not wastelands of poverty,
lives will deliver creation from futility are here and will surely arise. See malnourishment, hopelessness
Romans 8:23, Psalm 68:31 or the various tags we have been
branded as. Neither is Afrika a
The Return of the Womb dumping ground for things that are
Some time in late 2014, the Lord had me go to a place called Badagry worthless in foreign lands. Afrika
in Lagos, Nigeria. It was a place called: The point of no return; which is the mouthpiece of God in this
is a monument that marked the last place Afrikan slaves were taken age and God will make another
through before being shipped off into unknown lands. I got to the place big bang through her. What we
and the Lord asked me to change the name of that place and call it: become is our choice ad decision
The point of the return. I made a declaration and changed the name as to make. We must choose to
commanded. He further asked me to command and declare the return be redefined by the destiny and
of all that has been stolen from Afrika through slavery and exploitation. I purpose which God ordained for
made all these declarations in the hope that some day, God would keep us from before time and not by
His promise. I really wasn’t too surprised to hear that the AU declared how misinformed men think us to
2019 as the Year of the Return, nor was I also surprised that Ghana, as be.
a nation, took it further to call for the return of Afrikan descendants in the
Diaspora and that now Europe is planning reparations for the slavery Afrika...Redefined, the time is now.
that Afrika went through.
All these new developments are amazing and noble in themselves, but
the true return that is most critical for the Third Day Afrika is to be the
land where God is fully glorified and where, by that glory, He will draw
all men to Himself. God is bent on doing this. The seed of the glory of
God had been planted in this continent by her due suffering and now