Page 24 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 24
By Samuel Phillips
frika, a land of many face the reality of another day for that various strands of scripture
beauties, graces and Afrika. I do not believe that the way allude to and whose reality is found
blessings. A land whose forward is going backward. No. in a people whose background
Adestiny has been fought The way forward is simply going seems enshrined in some form of
since only God knows when. A land forward. Yes the past has a lot to foundational suffering, and who by
with so much to offer as concerns teach about how we missed it as such suffering, the glory promised
the healing, the restoration and the Afrikans, but it doesn’t necessarily of old, will also manifest. The Third
rebirth of the earth. Afrika, whose have the answers for how we will Day reality speaks of the rising
bad choices and decisions have correct it. and birthing of that which has
created many negative narratives, hitherto been dead and buried. Of
but whose time has now come It is a terrible disservice for a man Jesus, He rose on the Third Day.
to be revealed as the true virgin or men, whoever they were, to Of the people of God, who God
womb of God, out of which must wake up on a particular day and will bring to dwell in His presence
come forth the sons of God, by create an economic and political on the Third Day. (See Hosea 6:2)
whose lives creation will be set divide among the nations calling For he whose back carried, by
free from futility. one a first world nation and the prophecy, the suffering of Christ
You are indeed blessed, Oh Afrika, other Third World Nation. How by the way of the Cross, shall by
the womb of God. dare a set of men put such a the reason of that same suffering
horrible tag on a people whose of the Cross, wear the Crown that
The Third World Narrative pain they have never felt and comes as glory in the place of
Personally, I am tired of the never- whose God-given ideals and death. See it this way, the life and
ending blame games that Afrikans purposes they never cared to ask time of Jesus in itself is a prophecy
throw at the colonialists who about, or understand? Really? still unfolding as a mystery on the
plunder the land of Afrika by their Who is speaking foolishness about earth. Scripture makes it clear that
divide and conquer strategy. Such Afrika, when God says something a man called Simon of Cyrene,
unnecessary blame has never different? Note this: Afrika is not a carried the Cross of Jesus for
produced anything good, and Third World continent, not at all. Him. Cyrene is a place in Libya,
never will. In fact, the blame game She is a Third Day reality continent and by that, Simon of Cyrene, was
narrative has clearly become an and her time is now. The power of an Afrikan. He carried the dark
excuse that the people of Afrika life and death is in the tongue, so Cross of the suffering of Christ on
and various leaders in the different I speak life and newness to Afrika his back. Jesus said if I be lifted
zones of Afrika use to cover up for and so shall it be. up, I will draw all men unto myself.
their unfaithfulness to that which What does that mean? It means,
God has given to each nation in The Third Day Reality the instrument of Christ’s lifting
Afrika to tend and keep. It’s time to There is a Third Day revelation was the Cross and the carrier