Page 19 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 19



                         How did we get here?

                                 CRIMINALIZING OUR COMMON UNITY

                                           BY: SAMUEL PHILLIPS

                      rowing  up in Afrika,
                      Nigeria    to    be   mobile phone technology,  the  sense of  humanity to  mindless
                      precise, was one      Afrikan common unity was the  things, creating  weird  robotic
                      beautiful experience   strength and  uniqueness  of the  minds that lack respect for love
        Gwhich, hitherto, also              Afrikan people. We simply love to  and empathy.
        had its not too good  side.  As a   love.
        young boy who loved passionately    I grew up knowing that the training  In the 80’s, 90’s and even in the
        to create stories in my head of     and the raising of an Afrikan child  early 2000’s, it wasn’t an issue
        things  that exist and  of things   is done by the collective strength of  for an undisciplined  child to be
        I  never dreamt  could exist  and   the community in which he or she  disciplined  by  a  total  stranger
        with such patience to observe       lives, and that accurate discipline  on the street without raising  any
        things, I kind of grew up with lots   is meted out for erring  children.  eyebrows.  Older people  around
        of wild pictures of what Afrika and   Life was simple,  uncomplicated,  could discipline  a child, take him
        Afrikans really look like. I believe   not divided  by the very same  or her to their parents, report the
        so much in what Jesus said about    social  media  that was meant to  child’s misbehavior. Such parents,
        as a man thinks so he is, and to    make the  world a  global village.  right in the presence of the stranger,
        take it further, as a man imagines   Well, we lost the true village and  would  further discipline  such a
        on the inside, so he creates        embraced  the concept  of virtual  child, just so the stranger knows
        his own  reality  on the outside. I   community that only exists in our  they are not in support of what the
        didn’t have much access to lots     heads. Social media has its good  child did and thereafter thank the
        of places in Afrika while  growing   place, for whatever it is good for.  stranger for helping look out for the
        up. However, the few places I was   But, we have somehow forgotten  well-being  of their child.   School
        opportuned to reach within Nigeria   who we are as  Afrikans whose  then was largely  about  a good
        and  things  read  from books,      hearts and minds were free to love  heart, character, godliness, love,
        showed  me something  beautiful     and at liberty to give empathy. We  discipline, healthy competition and
        about  Afrikans-the ability to  live,   now use social media to show the  not  some  overblown  brains  filled
        to thrive in communities. And this   world how wicked, unthinking and  with twisted information  and no
        communal lifestyle of living is not   unkind we have become. A man  wisdom for human connectivity.
        necessarily  based on a winner-     hacks another man to death with
        takes-all mindset, but true love for   a machete, for stealing  chicken  I  grew  up knowing that  I  could
        brotherhood  driven by simplicity   while  others stand by watching,  walk into any compound along
        and compassion.  The power of       not stopping him and then filming  the street with fruit trees in it and
        Ubuntu. Before the advent of the    the cruel act for the world to watch  harvest whatever I  wanted from
        more sophisticated  internet  and   on the internet. We have lost our  the many fruit trees one would

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