Page 14 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 14
break those things that are not doubt of being able to have you can’t just go to work and
supposed to be. I have seen children? not all employers are extremely
God’s redeeming power. I have patient and waiting for you to
What do you do? Sometimes
seen His healing because I can get to fullness of health. There
you’re between a rock and a
have painless periods. You know could be pain during intercourse,
hard place and you just have
that’s something I could never which does affect your marital
to figure it out ahead, but right
have imagined. It might not have bed. Endometriosis is more than
now you have bigger fish to fry
been overnight but I’ve seen a just a woman’s disease. It affects
because it’s for survival. There
gradual improvement. It’s not families and because of that it
were doctors convincing me to
always rosy because I might still affects the society as well. So he
have children, even at 19, I’d
struggle with hormonal issues, has been a pillar of strength and
walk in for an emergency jab for
but it’s okay, we’re not where we he is looking to walk with men who
pain and the nurses would be
were, I can take this, this is fine. I are also looking for support.
like have you considered having
have seen that side of God in my When I had children, the part that
a child? I kept saying, you know,
life, where the darkness has been I struggled with was always the
I want my mother, I’m not ready
overwhelmed by the light. fatigue and he was always keen to
to be someone else’s mother. But
I have set up a Community step in. I can’t say there was ever
God is still the One Who gives the
Based Organization (CBO) now a day I felt alone on this journey,
children through the way that He
in Mombasa basically to help because he was there. In terms
chooses. By His pure grace, for
women. It’s called The Yellow of my parenting, would I say it’s
the glory of His name.
Flower Initiative and it is a baby had an effect? I guess just the
of Yellow Endo Flower. Yellow is Were you surprised that you exhaustion or if there’s pain at the
the color of hope and the Yellow were able to have kids after time but, by God’s grace, it’s not
Flower Initiative is to spread hope, all that? been as bad as it used to be. It’s
because there is hope. I don’t like a different chapter altogether.
When the children came, it was a
think that Jesus can be in a place
beautiful addition but I can’t say I
and there is no hope. What do you think of the cost
was surprised. I feel like people
of sanitary products?
were more surprised. People are
How did you not give up? The cost is too high. I believe
usually astonished, like ‘what did
If giving up was a solid plan I periods are beautiful. Are there
you do?’ Nothing.
would have. Like, we are giving certain things in our environment
up and then we will do... Giving How did your husband that make us feel otherwise?
up is not a plan. We can say it’s a take it, was he supportive? Rightfully so. If I have to work or
stopover, but it’s not a plan. What was the effect on your sell my body just to be able to
husband and kids? afford to take care of myself during
How were you able to make it this time, there’s no beauty there.
My husband is my greatest
through the process? I think what we are seeing is just
supporter. His support has never
I think that God was still there even a representation of what society
faltered. I think that because he
in those moments of despair when believes about menstruation.
always kept me focused on God,
no one else would understand. He Because if you believe it is beautiful
it was easier. That he was always
was still the One that I was crying if you believe it’s a natural process
praying for me even when he
out to and I feel like God carried then governments will actually
didn’t understand, he was still
me. I have never doubted God’s have to help make girls go through
praying, he was still reminding me
love for me. There are times I may this in a safe and hygienic manner
of God’s love.
have taken a break and been like each and every month. I think it’s
He’s part of Yellow Flower Initiative
you know what God, this doesn’t more than just reducing the cost
and is passionate about walking
feel like love; but I’ve never of sanitary towels, it’s also just
with men, because it takes a toll
doubted that God loves me. I’ve making sure that there are things
on you because, some of the other
never doubted that He’s for me. that keep the quality at par. So
aspects of endometriosis I may
that we’re not just getting cheap
not have mentioned are it affects
How did you deal with the sanitary towels because then
your ability to earn, sometimes