Page 11 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 11

        Esther’s      life   experience     women to understand their bodies  clothes. There was nothing I could
        belies her age. The author,  and also to empower their parents  do; I just threw the trousers away.
        menstrual        health      and    to guide their daughters  through  When I  got back home I  told my
        endometriosis ambassador,  puberty.                                     mom I couldn’t pee, but she was
        conversation-starter, trainer,                                          like, “Can you pee now?” I was like
        wife  and  mom of  two, turns  How          did    you     end    up    “Yes”, she was like, “Okay, well it
        29 this  year,  but  she  has  focusing           on      menstrual     seems to have resolved itself.”
        boldly faced and overcome  health,  endometriosis and  Then my period  got worse. As a
        challenges that few women  menopause?                                   little girl, I always wanted to be a
        have had to or will ever have  This is the information I wish I had  doctor, but at one point I was like,
        to face in their entire lifetime.  as a younger girl. What I was told  “Who am I kidding? My periods are
        Now, she has allowed God  about periods and what periods  already so much to handle, I’m not
        to  turn  her  experiences  and  actually ended up being were two  about to go and look at someone
        pain into a journey of hope.        totally different things. I expected  else’s  blood.” I  told  my  parents,
        Her  first  book,  Bloom,  is  a  butterflies  and  twirling  skirts,  “This is it, I’m done.”  They were
        practical guide for a girl’s or  like everything you see on  TV  bewildered but they asked me if I
        woman’s period journey and  commercials, but it was nothing  had a plan. So I told them, “Well
        her  second  book  (which  is  like that.                               the next best thing is Psychology.
        brand  new)  is called  Furaha  I started my period  before I was  No blood, but you can still help
        and  is  a  10-week  workbook  10 years old, then it disappeared  people.”
        that guides girls through  and came back maybe when I was  I  think that’s  one of  the best
        puberty,      helping       them    about 11 or 12. It came back painful  decisions I  made for myself.
        understand       their   bodies,    but wit no dramatic symptoms. As  Sometimes God guides us without
        themselves, friendship,  self-      I got into high school, no one told  us knowing. I joined university and
        esteem among other issues,  me that clots were not normal,  it was great, it was fantastic, I wish
        with a friendly aunty guiding  because  you’re just told here’s a  my period experience was too, but
        them through.  She also has  pad, here’s your panty - you stick  I can see how God was hiding me
        frequent menopause and  and then discard after that, but  at the time. I started getting UTIs
        menstrual support  meetings  I often found out that one packet  and yeast  infections; they  were
        and trainings for school  was never enough.                             just recurring. I was almost always
        children and parents as well.       When I was about  15 years old  sick. Even when I hadn’t finished
                                            that’s when  I can say that my  antibiotics  for one, I was starting
                                            period  got out of hand  - it was  medication for another. My doctor
        Tell us a little about yourself  already  horrible  - now  this is like  realized I wasn’t getting any better
        and your journey of faith.          when  it intensified.  I went  up  Mt.  and  sent me to see a Urologist,
        My name is Esther Mbugua  Kenya, and it was exciting, my  who did lots of tests and then said,
        Kimemia,  I am married  and  a  second time up the mountain so  “I can’t seem to find the problem,
        mother of  two  children and I  live  I don’t think it was the mountain  so I think we need to go in and see
        in Mombasa. My  background is  that was the problem.  But when  what’s going on.”
        in Psychology,  but  God  has set  I  was up there,  I  had problems  So  I  had  my  first  surgery,  they
        me on an interesting course.  peeing. I  would squat for half an  found I had masses in my bladder
        Not one that I  studied but one  hour literally and of course at  and at  the end of  it  he gave me
        that life prepared me for. I like to  that  time my  thighs are burning,  a diagnosis that wasn’t really
        create spaces where people can  it’s cold, and there’s nothing  a  diagnosis. He just  said  I  had
        have  difficult  conversations,  so  coming out. Eventually I peed all  chronic cystitis, which is basically
        I’m often the youngest woman in  of like 10 drops, something really  ‘prone to  infection’. I  got  super
        a room discussing menopause,  negligible.  The next day on the  strong antibiotics and I went home.
        because  I believe  it’s one of  way down the mountain, I had the  But the pain was still there so I
        those conversations that needs  worst period  I’d ever had in my  was back to the medical officer at
        to  happen. I  like to  talk  about  entire life. I couldn’t walk a really  the school. Now, the reason why
        periods. I like to empower girls and  short  distance without soiling my  going to the university was the best

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