Page 8 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 8


            EDITOR’S NOTE

            The  purpose  of  this issue  is         beginning  God  apportioned for
            simple- to  diffuse  the  Spirit         her a share amongst the nations
            of  liberty over  Afrika and to          greater than many. To bear the
            announce the  rising of  the             burden of suffering  with  Him,
            sons of God. In  this  issue  we         so that Afrika could rise in this
            share  with  you foundational            Third Day and  tell the  story of
            constructs  of  Afrika,  from            Christ in the  most beautiful of
            before the beginning and how to          ways to the nations of the world.
            make  the  appropriate  choices
            and  decisions  needful for the          Afrika has been  interwoven
            true  freedom of  Afrika and             into God’s narrative since the
            Afrikans.                                beginning, and in this issue you
                                                     will discover why that is.

            Nations are chosen, by God, to
            express His mind on earth,  to           Welcome to the real Afrika!
            carry out His purposes, to fulfill
            His will. God is very deliberate
            in the choices He makes as well
            as the reasons  behind those                                                  Editor : Chioma Phillips
            choices.                                                                      Design: Samuel Phillips
                                                                                     Digital/Web: Chioma Phillips
            Things you need to keep in mind                       Photos:,,
            are: Afrika is not a dumping                                          All enquiries:  +254-738489470
            ground nor is it an excavation                             Email:
            site for the  world. In  the                               

                                                                                     Chioma Phillips


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    8                                  HEALING - RESTORING - REBIRTHING - AFRICA
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