Page 31 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 31


        having looked for a way forward on  told my wife, “On my own, even if  I  was  called  to  the  Office  of  the
        how we could partner to articulate  I lived 100 years, I can’t articulate  President, where I found a panel of
        the thinking. I waited, I called and  these disciplines  one after the  six officers. They interrogated me
        finally, I decided to go there to find  other.  The best I can do is to  for  four  hours.  ‘Who am I?  What
        out what was going on. Eventually  create an institution that  brings  is this idea  all about?  How shall
        I was told I would need to work with  other people who  think like  me  I go about  it? How  will  it change
        a very young man who had no in  together, so that as I articulate the  Kenya?’ Surprisingly, they were
        depth understanding of indigenous  medicine,  somebody  else  will  do  very impressed, so they  wrote
        knowledge. I thought it was like an  engineering, another one would do  back to the President and from the
        insult. I was embarrassed. I shook  architecture, another one would do  Office of the President I got a letter
        the hand of that young man, I said,  agriculture.” That’s how the idea of  to take to Commission for Higher
        I  will get  in touch.  That  was the  the School of Alternative Medicine  Education for  the Commission to
        end.                                and Technology came in.             register my school.
        I  went away I  said to  myself  I  made an application  to  the  I wanted a university. I wanted  it
        that since, on my own, I cannot  Ministry of Education to register  to be a centre of excellence  and
        articulate the entire spectrum  my  school, and they  laughed at  for  the base to  be in Rumuruti,
        of technology on  my own  in my  me,  they thought I  was crazy.  I  where I  had a 200 acre farm.
        lifetime. I would pick one discipline  took the application to  Ministry  The Commission  inspected  my
        and demonstrate to the Council  of Health; they thought I was  premises in Nyeri and Rumuruti.
        and the Kenyans that  indeed a  crazy;  there were no provisions  We were just about to  take off
        lot of our indigenous  knowledge  for anything  indigenous  in  our  when tribal clashes happened in
        systems  are just  as applicable  educational  protocol. I  went to  1992; the entire place was raided
        and as valid as it was then. That  the WHO, I knew there was a  and destroyed. The officers for the
        was how I picked indigenous  medical department there and that  Commission for Higher Education
        knowledge  after that  meeting  the WHO looks after the entire  encouraged me not to give up. They
        and that was how I started the  continental  and global  aspect  told me that I had a good idea and
        practice seriously; and within one  of things.  There was a Kenyan  that instead of starting a university
        year I was in the papers.  The  doctor there who I tracked, I found  where the minimum acreage was
        head of  the National Council of  him in the office and said, “I’m so  then 50 acres, that I should look for
        Science and Technology read the  and  so I’m coming  because I do  a small place in a safe area, start
        paper and he called me and said,  alternative medicine and I’m plan-    a Diploma awarding institution and
        “Githae, you mean you were that  ..” He stood up and said, “No. We  when things normalized  I  could
        serious?” I said, “Yes!” He told me,  don’t deal with those things.” He  then upgrade  it to a university.
        “Congratulations.”                  stood up and started walking out  That is how the idea of The School
                                            saying that  they  don’t do that.  I  of  Alternative  Medicine  and
        ‘This man is a witch’               was very disappointed.              Technology started in Nyeri. I had
        I  went on, and people  came in  This was around 1986-87.  The  a nursing  home there which the
        big numbers after the newspaper  Kenya Broadcasting Corporation  Commission advised me to use as
        article.  Then all these media  had covered my program and was  a school, because it would expand
        houses called me, interviewed me,  very excited about my work. One  later on.  The college  opened  in
        I became very popular. But, I told  of them, a very good cameraman,  1993 and we went on for a while. I
        my wife, “Medicine  alone cannot  was fascinated with what I do and  lived there with my family, I had my
        liberate a  people, liberation is  a  he used to  visit me  from  time  to  medicine manufactured there and
        multi-faceted initiative. To liberate  time. One day, he came round  the students sleeping  in there...
        a people, all facets of multi-      and found me trying to figure out  there was some little tension.
        technology  must be articulated  what to do, how to get this school  I  found  out later that  one local
        simultaneously,          because    running. He asked me what I was  doctor had made arrangements to
        technology is inter-related and it  working  on. I explained  what I  host all my students in his house
        is  inter-dependent. For  a  people  wanted to do. He said, “Nobody will  for dinner, where he told them you
        to change, all those facets of  give you such a license.” I asked  are being taught by a witch doctor.
        technology must be articulated as  him why and he told me that there  He asked them,  “Where will this
        one, because they complement  was no provision for it. I asked his  training  get you people?  This
        one another:  Agriculture-  people  advice, explaining  that this was  man is a witch!”The following day,
        are sick because they don’t eat  what I wanted to do in my lifetime.  they were very unruly and started
        right, so nutrition comes in. Other  He said that I would have to write  making  funny demands. I was
        people are sick because they don’t  about it to the Head of State. He  in Nakuru when my wife called
        have the right shelter, other people  told me to write that letter and give  me and told me that  they were
        are sick because of the lifestyle.” I  it to him. I did. Within two weeks  threatening to burn the place and

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