Page 33 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 2
P. 33


        spirituality is the other one, where   people  as long  as I live. It is my  This  is  compromising the  dignity
        we are godly. We all know that we   right to pass on the heritage - that  and  integrity  of   traditional
        are created by a bigger force than   was passed on to me - to others,  medicine. 96% of the people who
        us, Who gives us the rain, Who      sustainably. In such a way that it  are practicing are quacks. Hardly
        gives us the soil, Who gives us the   will help those who come after us,  3-4% are healing,  because of
        plants, Who gives us the animals,   the way it should. I picked a little  lack of support, lack of regulation,
        Who wants us to coexist with them   bit from  my  grandmother,  maybe  lack of legislative  protocol that
        the way they are, such that even    due to the interest, the genes, the  promotes and regulates. Were it
        mosquitoes we don’t want  them      passion,  but  I  have  refined  and  not for my passion, I would be a
        exterminated. They are part of the   developed  it considerably. I am  manager somewhere, because
        ecosystem. They were created by     in the process of doing what I’m  I  can do many other things, I
        the same force that created us, for   calling Practitioner’s Comparative  would be a lecturer or a teacher
        a purpose, and they play a role.    Encyclopedia of Medicines of the  anywhere because this line is
        You exterminate mosquitoes, you     World; I’ve been  doing  that for  terribly stigmatized and it has too
        create an imbalance and you will    the last 39 years now, comparing  many challenges, such that even
        probably  get a worse  crisis than   common medicinal  plants of  the  my children  are not interested in
        Malaria.                            world,  comparing  their usage  in  it at all.  They argue, they know
        I didn’t want to be a traditional   different ecological set-up. Finding  I’m educated, they know I’m
        healer; my intention was not to be   out how use Bidens pilosa, that is  very passionate,  they know I’m
        a  traditional healer.  Having  been   stinging nettle in India, how they  aggressive,  yet I have suffered
        in the colonial era and having      use it in China. Is it the same way  more than anybody  else they
        suffered, I lost my father in  it, I   we use it here?                  know. If I can’t survive it, they can’t
        was beaten in it, I took part in it to   The need for  this came because  survive it  because they have not
        whatever extent, having seen the    a  lot  of  our indigenous  medicinal  gone through the challenges and
        struggle  we went through  to get   plants are being overused.  The  that worries me.  The other day
        our independence - I was thinking   resource we use as herbal medicine  in a  TV interview, I told them I
        our indigenous knowledge  was       is the same resource that charcoal  worry about both the resource and
        a resource we could not afford      burners use to get their charcoal.  the knowledge. We are losing  it
        to forego, and it was dying. My     It’s the same resource  that the  wholesale, to people who know and
        intention was to  look for  ways    saw-millers  split into timber and  value the resource more than we
        and  means  of rejuvenating  it, of   sell as timber and off-cuts. It’s the  do, who can access it secretly and
        polishing it and integrating it with   very  same resource that  people  literally take  away whatever  they
        whatever we need to borrow, when    cut  to  build traditional shelters,  can. Like the prostate medicine
        we need to borrow. So that we can   including  bomas (shelters) for  in conventional  medicine  is from
        also share knowledge with others,   cattle in Maasai and Somaliland  Prunus Africana, it’s from a plant
        like others have contributed within   and all these other areas.  The  here and a lot of it was cut in the
        human civilization. I’m  74,  and   multi-purpose   usage    of   the   Rift Valley, exported to Europe en
        at  my  age I’m  very  concerned    resource makes it very threatened  masse and refined. These are the
        that I haven’t had the impact that   and the fact that while the building  drugs we buy. Prunus makes very
        I  wanted because my thinking       sector has been regulated and  good timber too, so it’s becoming
        and my  concern hasn’t  been        streamlined, energy sector  has a  very scarce.
        addressed to date. The Traditional   component and experts; traditional  Take the concern of microbial
        Medicine Bill has been lying in     medicine  has nobody  looking at  resistance to antibiotics, which is
        Parliament for 20 years while       it,  we don’t have a  bill. Without  a global concern - in Europe and
        parliamentarians    are   passing   a  bill  you’re  not  defined.  It’s  the  America they are very scared and
        other bills, especially those which   bill  that  defines  what  traditional  are using trillions  of dollars on
        are related to their welfare, within   medicine  is,  who   traditional  research for alternative antibiotics
        a week.  A week!  The traditional   healers are, how they get in, how  because conventional antibiotics
        medicine bill was adulterated and   they should conduct themselves  are       not   curing   pneumonia,
        it was cannibalized, they came out   and how they should be supported  gonorrhea, syphilis and so on.
        with a little provision in the Medical   technologically,  financially  and  This is happening  because we
        and Poisons Board, just a skeleton   legally. Without that anybody can  have been exposed to antibiotics
        which doesn’t help us with our      be a traditional healer. If you came  indiscriminately for too long.
        interest.                           with someone and I  showed him
        Our  interest is:  as Kenyan and    one plant tomorrow,  and I  told    Please continue this interview on
        traditional healer, I have a right to   him it does Malaria, he can be a   page 74.
        serve the people. It is my right to   traditional healer and he can open
        contribute to the well-being of my   a clinic anywhere.

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