Page 86 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 86


                                                                                his own company quite successfully
                                                                                is that of Steve Jobs the founder of
                                                                                the Apple brand.

                                                                                Apart from the aforementioned
                                                                                methods of financing a new venture
                                                                                for an entrepreneur, one can also
                                                                                get it from government subsidies
                                                                                especially through incubation hubs.
                                                                                This is a popular venture financing
                                                                                method for new startups spearhead-
                                                                                ed by tertiary students in Zimbabwe
                                                                                and the world at large.

                                                                                Truth be told, it makes everything
                                                                                easy for the technopreneurs for not
                                                                                only does it avail them mentorship
                                                                                opportunities but it also deals away
          contractual agreement.             a good direction. It is no secret that   with facing financial burdens. There
                                             not having enough capital can give a   are various ways to kill a cat but the
          Accordingly, venture capitalists   headache to either an entrepreneur   crux of this article is on the first
          mean business and expect good      or any business person, for funds   two venture financing methods. If
          profit returns. In most cases they do   make for smooth sailing.      more is done in ensuring that we
          not just immerse themselves in any                                    have these in abundance in Zim-
          start up but they weigh how much   Also, bootstrapping can be another   babwe then the entrepreneurs are
          they will get before pooling their   way to finance a new venture for   headed for the well-needed success
          money usually in the growth stages   an entrepreneur. This is one of the   and greatness in whatever line of
          of a high tech business venture such   easiest way to finance one’s ven-  business they are entailed in. With-
          as those in ICT or biotechnology.    ture without much hassle for you   out doubt, funds make the world go
                                             can get the money from your own    around for entrepreneurs because
          As an entrepreneur, one can con-   friends and relatives or better yet   instead of seeing hurdles they will
          template working with them because   from yourself. The bottom line is   see more opportunities for that is
          one thing you are guaranteed is the   that there are not that many external   the day-to-day life of an entrepre-
          level of their seriousness in ensuring   parties involved in your start up.   neur, always being on the lookout
          the funds are in place. This is why,                                  for the next big thing. Adding to
          in developed countries like America   With bootstrapping you can get   that, you do not give up on the first
          and China, who are at an another   soft loans from your close circle of   try for failure is a stepping stone to
          level when it comes to technopre-  friends and family. Again, the beauty   success.
          neurship these venture capitalists are   of this method is that when the new
          quite popular and their businesses   venture does grow to be a company   At the end of the day, a true entre-
          are booming unlike here in Africa   that hits the market like a storm,   preneur must have a sixth sense of
          where all this is relatively new.   then as the entrepreneur you will en-  maneuvering in the jungle where
                                             joy the fruits of your labor alone in   dog eats dog through trying other
          Nevertheless, in Zimbabwe strides   full knowledge that you won’t share   means to get funding. Thus, trea-
          are being made to conscientize the   your profits with either business   sured entrepreneurs, always keep
          masses by venture capitalists com-  angels or venture capitalists. Thus,   your ears to the ground in search for
          panies such as the Vakayi SME fund   in other words you will owe your   venture financing opportunities so
          which is focused on investing in   success to yourself and the count-  that you do not miss anything.
          outstanding entrepreneurs who are   less sleepless nights you put in, the
          essential service providers. For all   hard work that is your sweat, blood   To this effect, be proactive in all
          intents and purposes, the emergence   and tears, although not necessarily   faculties of your life especially were
          of such kinds of companies means   in that order. A good example of   financing is concerned.
          entrepreneurially we are headed in   an entrepreneurs who bootstrapped

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