Page 83 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 83
Also, another misconception is necessarily need to do everything by can be improved. Once the initiative
what entrepreneurship is really all themselves to prove a point. Actu- kickstarts then it will garner more
about. In Zimbabwe, being a vendor ally, by working as a team you will support from the people from all
is quantified and qualified as an be able to reduce the chances of walks of life. A good example is
entrepreneur which is not neces- facing burnt out stress and work- of the Ashoka Fellowship that has
sarily the case for entrepreneurship ing yourself to the ground. At the blown all over for its good work in
entails looking for new opportuni- same time, it will hone your skills at trying to improve the way of life of
ties and coming up with innovative delegation and running your own the general populace. Thankfully,
ideas to make life easier for every- empire. Being your own boss is a this is one form of entrepreneurship
one concerned. At the same time, dream that can be fulfilled through that has a force to be reckoned with
the entrepreneur realizes his or her collectively working together. For for it is positively impacting the lives
profits after having leveraged on that reason, this is why there are in- of many people in different coun-
the resources that one has whilst cubation hubs so that entrepreneur- tries. Nothing beats solving social
factoring and assuming calculated ial teams are in the same confines problems for people because they
risk. Henceforth, when there is no were they can share the same “team are ever present. Nevertheless, the
element of creativity and innovation spirit.” With regards to Page and misconception is that most people
it is not entrepreneurship but just a Brin who invented Google or Hew- underestimate this ability of trying
small business that one will be doing lett and Packard of the “HP” brand to solve people’s problems yet these
to make ends meet in this cutthroat amongst others, they worked as a ones are faced on a daily basis with-
world. Indeed, this must be clarified team to see their dreams to fruition. out fail. All things being equal, the
because what distinguishes entre- All in all, the old adage that two misconception is that people haven’t
preneurship from general business heads are better than one is correct yet realized the full potential and
management is the ability to cre- to the letter and so it is in the case extent of social entrepreneurship in
atively innovate products or services of entrepreneurial teams. changing the lives of many people.
in a novel way that will make life Provided that more social entrepre-
bearable for the general masses that The Godfather of the Silicon Valley, neurs will take up this doctrine to
would have been facing that particu- Fredrick Terman who was also a scale greater heights.
lar problem in question for ages on business angel to these good tech-
end. nopreneurial initiatives did believe Last but not least, there is a mis-
in entrepreneurial teams. Over and conception that women entrepre-
Quite frankly, there is a thin line above, the person who can really neurship by the females usually is
between entrepreneurship and understand you is the one who will done as a result of push factors.
business management but entrepre- be in the same boat. Similarly, as an In addition, it is stated that wom-
neurs take it a little bit further by entrepreneur you should work with en only engage in the easiest form
incorporating calculated risks and an entrepreneurial team of the same of entrepreneurship unlike their
being flexible enough to spot and mind so as to do away with this male counterparts. This is not the
capitalize on opportunities that are misconception that you should do case because firstly women can be
present. Needless to say, entrepre- everything alone from scratch up to involved in entrepreneurial activities
neurs are the first movers or game the very end. due to pull factors. Also, some of
changers before everybody else them have put their foot down in
gets wind of the matter at hand. Most people underestimate the male dominated areas, for example,
Speaking of which, that is why the power of social entrepreneurship our very own Zimbabwean, Dr
term creative destruction is thrown and how it increases the quality Divine Dhlukula with her Securico
around nowadays for entrepreneurs of life for the general masses. The brand. For all intents and purposes,
they have the aptitude to change the axiom is that technopreneurship is gender has nothing to do with the
status quo in a blink of an eye. only the best form of entrepreneur- form of entrepreneurship one finds
Accordingly, an entrepreneur might ship since the world has gone digital. himself or herself doing. What
need to be part and parcel of an However, l beg to differ because matters most is do you have what it
entrepreneurial team which holds each form of entrepreneurship does takes? Are you up for the challenge?
the same vision as him or her. It serve its purpose equally especially Are you passionate enough to chase
is said, the more the merrier and social entrepreneurship. It is started your dreams then the rest will follow
this goes for entrepreneurial teams. with the sole intent of helping the regardless of the gender disparity
Consequently, entrepreneurs do not denizens so that their quality of life issue.