Page 80 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 80
strengthened Zimbabwe’s tourism
in the Southern region as it is not
every country that gets to be chosen
to host this highly esteemed con-
ference. No man is an island thus
MICE enables exhibitions whereby
tourism operators within the region
will expose their business and
brands to the immediate industry.
Good examples of these exhibitions
include the Sanganai and Umoja Ex-
pos to mention just but a very few.
Great Limpopo Trans‑frontier Conservation Area Heritage month
Heritage is a tradition that can be
passed down from the preceding
known for doing that. TFCAs lead tourists as they want to see the dif- generations since it is something
to the relaxation of stringent laws as ference in wildlife patterns. More so, that can be inherited. Thus, Septem-
tourists will enjoy game drives and Africa as a region is making strides ber is heritage month for South Af-
bird or game watching from all dif- to protect both the white rhino and rica as a country but l can safely say
ferent countries as the parks inter- lion from extinction as these species most countries join this bandwagon
twine. The beauty of this initiative is are one of a kind. The big five is as we have Zimbabweans, Tswa-
that the TFCAs enables the employ- important as tourists from Europe, nas, Sothos and tribes of Eswatini
ment of more guides who prevent Asia and America as continents in among others living in South Africa.
veld fires and educate locals on the their own right want to experience In Zimbabwe, the whole Matebele-
importance of wildlife. Africa at its best. land province, that is, Bulawayo all
the way to Plumtree is dedicated to
The big five MICE
Regional tourism brought about the Meetings, incentives, conferences
issue of the big five. Every country and exhibitions are of great in-
in Africa is promoting conservation fluence within the tourism sector.
so as to preserve these animals. Ac- Needless to say that is why a lot
cordingly, the initiative has tourists of conferences and exhibitions are
on their toes as they want to see this being held in different countries
on their tour package. The big five regionally. MICE as a trend brought
include the lion, elephant, rhino, about stronger tourism relations
leopard and buffalo. In Zimbabwe among countries because tour oper-
we have gone a notch higher and ators have joined in as they market
produced some matchboxes with destinations. A plethora of hotels
these animals on the cover thus are now designed so as to cater for
making both this brand and the meetings for they have conference
animals household names. Regional and board rooms amongst others.
tourism plays a huge role in that Apart from the Regional Tourism
the big five is found mainly in the Organization of Southern Africa
Southern region of Africa for ex- (RETOSA) we have the United
ample South Africa, Zimbabwe and Nations World Tourism Organiza-
Botswana inter alia. Some countries tion (UNWTO) which plans such
only have the leopard and the ele- events annually therefore its General
phant, thus the big five has brought Assembly meets every two years for
about a competitive edge to tourism. regional commissions. In Zimbabwe
It goes without saying that each and we had the privilege in 2013 to host Tourism destination. Marrakesh
every region is a mystery for the all tourism big wigs from all over the Morrocco
world for the UNWTO. It actually
80 | we tell the true afrikan story