Page 77 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 77


          to deliver results. Those same gov-  course between a man and a woman,
          ernments which were evidently in it   they are gifts and instruments of
          only for themselves SUDDENLY       change on the earth. Thus we must
          had the people’s interests at heart   be deliberate about teaching our
          and only wanted to keep them safe   children the wisdom required to
          by vaccination, even while stealing   live in this fallen generation. The
          the money that was meant to be     power and the authority to create
          buying PPEs for health workers and   and re-create realities that affect the
          turning people into Covid mil-     land are in the hands of the family
          lionaires? And no one stopped to   units which comprise of the father
          consider that perhaps there was yet   (the bringer of the seeds of life), the
          another game afoot?                mother (the carrier, incubator and
          Do you see the power of word       creator of life) and the children who
          spells that are in effect around us   are the life seeds for the continua-
          yet? Just as the evidence of the   tion of life on the earth. We must
          negative effects of childhood and   take care of the family units. Why?
          adult vaccinations was spreading   Everything begins with the family
          around the world and people were   and the current war against the fam-
          becoming wary of them and starting   ily unit will give you a clear indica-
          to look deeper into it, the global   tion of how important the family is.
          cabal which had set itself the agenda
          of vaccinating the majority of the   Darkness is spreading at alarming
          world’s population by 2020 and     rate in our world and more people
          later extended this to 2030, to ‘leave   are confused by the effects of the
          no one behind’ suddenly found a    sorcery and the spirit of manipula-
          way to convince millions of people   tion that is twisting realities on the
          around the world to take an untest-  earth. But there is always hope and
          ed jab? For their own safety and   that hope begins with us re-aligning
          protection?! Wow.                  our hearts to truth and the original
                                             power that we are blessed with by
          There are things we need to very   the Creator to both have dominion
          quickly get wise to as a people.   and charge over our world.
          Words have power and we have to
          take back control of our lives and   It is time for the people who know
          minds very quickly and begin to    who they are, who know why they
          protect our environments better, to   are here to use their words of truth
          man our own gates, to counter the   to re-establish good counsel, good
          word spells spoken over genera-    will, love and brotherhood and to
          tions that are causing hindrances to   topple the world of darkness creat-
          manifest around us. If we do not,   ed by the words of darkness.
          the one who is wise about his own
          movements – evil movements – will   Speak the right words of truth,
          try to take over our gates and use   clean your heart from filth, for it is
          them to his own advantage, even    the place where life pours out from
          while subjugating us to those whims.  to change and create new realities
          Fathers need to begin to understand   on the earth. We can no longer leave
          the power of utterances over their   the control of our lives in the hands
          families and communities. Mothers   of agents of darkness who are mas-
          need to begin to really understand   ters of sorcery, spells and manipu-
          the spiritual significance of their   larions. It’s up to you to create your
          wombs and the power they carry     world by the things you speak. So,
          as creators of realities on the earth.   speak life and LIVE.
          Children are not just fruits of inter-

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 20 | FEBRUARY 2022     77
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