Page 75 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 75
is using everything at his disposal to create the impression that what is
continue to direct and implement going on is true. Fear, on the other
whatever evil decisions they have hand, is used to lessen resistance to
determined they want to put in place the plans that are to be rolled out
for as long as the timeline allows. by making people imagine the worst
Their method is one of cursing and possible scenarios that they would
death, not blessing and life. Which is like to avoid, thereby causing them
why he will speak of a future reality to be more compliant to the various
to program it into place and by the aspects of rollout plan. Making it
Chioma Phillips is the Editor of Msingi Afrika Mag-
azine and the host of Msingi Afrika Television. Her power and authority of who he is, it easier to say that the only solution
hope is to see the Truth shared, with all who will listen, will take effect, if it is not answered for Covid is a vaccine that wasn’t
for the transformation of the people and the continent of and countered by a stronger man or properly tested and whose side
Afrika - and the world. by the agreement of those who have effects are concealed or distorted
opted to stand against it. by the lies continually rolled out.
Or that the only way to properly
God spoke.
The people working behind Covid manage it is to force people to carry
set themselves an ultimate objective a ‘vaccine passport’ or submit to
Now, fortunately, or unfortunately
(depending on where you sit and to achieve, which is the death and a test that was never designed for
how you live) man too was imbued digital imprisonment of millions, the purpose for which it has been
with this nature when God created and sent the vehement protector used around the world to put into
and ruler of the home in charge of
place ‘lockdowns’ and other control
him i.e., the power to use words to entrances or exits to begin to lay measures.
create realities, atmospheres, spaces,
places and things. Each one who the groundwork by programming
has come forth upon the earth is a the hearts and minds of men more Fear is used to break down mental
reality bearing a mandate which he than six years ago about: the need to and spiritual resistance and thereby
reduce the population, an upcoming
secure physical conformity. If a
or she then chooses to use for good pandemic that would kill many, the man shouts long and hard enough
or for evil, but that mandate, for as
long as it shall be allowed, will pro- importance and place of technology that everyone is going to die of
duce what it was created for either in resolving such a thing. They ac- something unless they follow his
in corruption and death or in purity companied this with movies, books, guidance, when the very thing that
he has spoken of emerges (based
newspaper articles, television inter-
and life. That choice rests with the views, policies in global and national on his machinations), even the very
individual within the time limit of
their existence. bodies and other mind-bending symptoms of the thing can be made
tools to seed the spiritual environ- to manifest in the body by the pow-
ment with the word poisons or er of the mind, due to the seeds that
Which is why you have a situation spells needed to effect their plan. So went forth. And when one member
where a representative of darkness, that when it was time to implement of the population succumbs to the
such as William Henry Gates, whose
names basically mean Vehement it, it would find the least resistance seeding, it helps to hasten the spread
Protector, Ruler of the Home, in possible to roll out. William was of the thing. Hence an ‘epidemic’
charge of Entrances or Exits had not their only human tool, and his or a ‘pandemic’ which is largely due
words were not the only ones used.
to suggestion. Which is why the use
an effect on matters to do with the There was an intricate web of lies of crisis actors was so critical at the
entrance and exit of realities around
Covid. Having been built up for de- and carefully coordinated seeding of onset and in the middle of this cam-
cades as a ‘trusted voice and success word spells into the atmosphere to paign to seed the world with fear
story’ in the field of technology and program minds and reduce resis- and convince them of its existence
by claiming that they had it – espe-
tance to what was coming across
later on in the area of philanthro- many sectors. cially at a time when no one could
py and vaccines via GAVI and the
WHO, he was simply being prepared identify a single individual who did
for his performance in Covid. Once Covid was rolled out, they have it.
He was charged with realities worked to keep it in place using lies It is all the result of carefully imple-
and fear. Lies are used to mask the
around this particular situation by real plan thereby allowing its con- mented witchcraft based on spells
those he is in cahoots with, and he
tinued, yet discreet rollout. The lies cast into the atmosphere by specific