Page 70 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 70


          the Roman pagan holiday known as   foliage such as wreaths. This was   scholars suggest that it was during
          Saturnalia.                        done in praise of the agricultural   the reign of Kings Abreha and
                                             god, Saturn, who is to bring green   Asbeha, and others contend that
          The similarities between Saturnalia   back to earth after winter. More-  it was in the reign of King Ezana.
          and Christmas can be linked to the   over, the Romans display their   Either way, Christianity failed to be
          conquests of the Roman Empire in   merrymaking by singing, dancing,   a weapon of colonization in Ethio-
          most of Europe, which extended     gambling, socializing, feasting,   pia, as was the case in most African
          from the second century BC to the   and gift giving. The greenery that   countries. When the missionaries
          fourth century AD. During this     decorates homes, and the common    came, Ethiopians were already
          long conquest, the Romans sup-     gift of wax candle known as cerei,   Christians. They could even teach a
          pressed other rituals and imposed   symbolize the end of solstice and   thing or two to the false preachers
          their own, including Saturnalia. It   the return of the sun or light. I   of the Western World, who blas-
          is assumed that Christian church-  think you have already identified   phemed by using Christianity as an
          es in the West moved the date to   the striking similarities between   extension of colonization.
          December in 4th c. AD to disguise   Saturnalia and Christmas, but I’ll   The myth of white supremacy was
          and celebrate Christmas while      still indicate them.               a laughable concept to Ethiopians
          Romans celebrated Saturnalia. It is   During Christmas, it is common to   for two reasons. First, Ethiopi-
          worth remembering here that Eu-    stop work and busy oneself with    ans were already Christians, while
          ropeans did the very same thing to   preparations, just as it was done   Europeans were fighting pagan
          Africans and to the rest of the col-  to celebrate Saturnalia. The home   wars and were under the hegemony
          onized world, if not worse. As we   decoration is truly a reminder of   of the Roman Empire. Second,
          all know, Europeans failed to learn   Saturnalia. Christmas trees have   Ethiopians were ruled by Kings
          from the cruelty of their captivity   become integral to Christmas. We   and Queens who claimed to trace
          for they imposed their religions,   have already seen how homes are   their lineages back to King Sol-
          including Christmas celebration,   decorated during Saturnalia with   omon and Queen of Sheba. The
          when they become colonizers and    greenery, and it is the same with   myth, mixed with history, portrays
          slavers.                           Christmas trees. But as Jesus was   Queen of Sheba (Nigist Saba) as
          Saturnalia is a celebration in an-  born in Spring, and He promis-    an Ethiopian queen, who begot
          cient Rome. It is a pagan festival   es to bring the world salvation   a child from King Solomon of
          held in honor of Saturn – the agri-  rather than harvest, the trees lack   Israel. It is said that Queen Saba
          cultural god. It was said to be cel-  a religious component. Gift giving   and King Solomon has a child
          ebrated for an entire week starting   has also been part of Saturnalia,   named Menelik, who ruled Ethi-
          in midwinter, in the sowing season.   just as it is with modern Christ-  opia. Every Ethiopian emperor
          It extends from December 17-25,    mas celebration. These and other   claimed to possess a bloodline with
          which coincides with Christmas.    similarities point to the cultural and   Menelik. Ethiopians were ruled by
          The Temple of Saturn, construct-   religious hegemony Romans had      Kings rather than Chieftains and
          ed in 4th century A.D in Rome,     over most of Europe, and in turn,   barbaric tribe leaders of Europe –
          served as the center of Saturnalia   it shows the hegemony of Europe-  be it Celtics, Vikings or Nordics. It
          festivities. The celebration had   ans over most nations in the world   is worth departing from this point
          many rituals related to gift offer-  through colonization. This ex-   by emphasizing the fact that it was
          ings and sacrifices to Saturn so that   plains the uniqueness of Ethiopian   Emperor Menelik II, who defeated
          this god would endow the people    Christmas, while also symbolizing   the Italian colonizers in the bat-
          with abundance during harvest.     the true meaning of Ethiopian      tle of Adwa, and Emperor Haile
          Saturnalia continues to influence   historical independence.          Selassie, whose name echoes the
          modern Christmas celebration in                                       spirit of the Trinity, who defeated
          noticeable manners. To start with   History of  Christianity in Ethi‑  the fascists. Christianity in Ethio-
          all forms of work cease during Sat-  opia                             pia, through the Orthodox Chris-
          urnalia, even slaves were allowed   Ethiopians converted to Christian-  tian Church, gave birth to Kings
          to participate in the celebration.   ity in the 340 AD, when Ethiopia   who championed freedom for all.
          In token of humility, it was even   flourished in its ancient Axumite   Let us now proceed to the Christ-
          said that the masters served their   kingdom. While all agree with the   mas celebration, according to the
          slaves. The people busy themselves   date, the kings responsible for   teachings of the Orthodox Chris-
          with home decorations, using green   embracing Christianity differ. Some   tian Church.

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