Page 68 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 68
Abel Merawi, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
am writing this article on the been born 2,014 years ago on the
present day, 5th month of 29th of the 4th month, while most
2014, Ethiopian Calendar other countries believe the birth to Abel Merawi
I EC). This may seem odd to occur 2,022 years ago on the 25th Abel Merawi is from Addis Ababa. He
a world that just celebrated New of the 12th month. is an English literature teacher, freelance
Year of 2022. We have celebrated a
Christmas at the end of the fourth Are Ethiopians lagging by eight writer/reporter for and an Am-
month after New Year, and Epiph- years or is the rest of the Christian- haric-English translator and editor. He
any twelve days afterwards. Just like ized world rushing by eight years? also writes for www.msingiafrikamagazine.
the rest of the Christianized world, Is the Ethiopian celebration of
Ethiopians too count the years in Christmas more spiritual compared com. You can reach him via: abelmerawi4@
anno Domini (AD), the birth of to the Western manner? I leave the
Jesus Christ signifying the date. decision to my readers, but I pray
Yet, we Ethiopians have a different you reserve your judgement until
understanding when it comes to you finish reading. By attaching
the date, month, and year in which Ethiopian to Christian holidays,
Christ was born. In other words, I am not descending down the
Ethiopians believe Christ to have path of parochialism with a claim
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