Page 73 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 73


          Eswatini is Africa’s little gem. With   that the Kingdom is one of the very   Largest population of  nesting
          a thriving population, varying land-  few countries in the world where   vultures in Africa
          scapes and rolling hills. The country   BOTH black and white rhinos can   Hlane Royal National Park is a
          is a tourist favorite and amongst   be found.                         nesting paradise. The park holds
          one of the most scenic places on                                      Africa’s largest population of nest-
          the continent. However there are   Longest reigning monarch in        ing vultures. Hlane is the country’s
          a number of interesting and out-   the world                          largest protected area and extends
          rageously wild fun facts about the   King Sobhuza II, the present King’s   either side of the MR3. This is what
          country which many may or might    father, reigned from 1899 to 1982   makes it incredible because you can
          not be familiar with.              and spent 82 years and 253 days    spot wildlife along the side of the
                                             on the throne. This makes him the   highway as you drive by. There are
          Absolute Monarchy                  longest reigning monarch in world   different camps within the park and
          Eswatini is Africa’s last absolute   history.                         it is at this very reserve where the
          monarchy and one of the few                                           annual royal hunt called Butimba
          remaining in the world. This form   Youngest crowned monarch in       takes place.
          of government gives the head of    the world
          state supreme authority that super-  This ironic tale is not fictional at all.   Oldest mountains in the world
          sedes all written laws, legislature   Eswatini is also famous for having   Southern Africa not only holds
          or customs. By tradition, the king   the world’s youngest crowned mon-  some of the world’s oldest fossils,
          reigns along with his mother who is   arch at the time of his coronation.   including those of dinosaurs, but
          known as the Indlovukazi (She-ele-  King Mswati III, current reigning   also some of the oldest landscape
          phant) while the King is reffered to   monarch, ascended to the throne at   formations. The Mountains in
          as Ingwenyama (Lion)               just 18.                           Eswatini’s Malolotja Native Reserve
                                                                                clock over 3.6 billion years old.
          Swaziland was always Eswatini      Oldest Mine in the world
          The year 2018 was a historical one   The country is home to the world’s   Host Country of  Annual glob‑
          for the Kingdom. The year not only   oldest mine. Ngwenya Mine which   ally recognized festival
          signified a double celebration of   is found north of the Kingdom     Highly praised by CNN as one of
          50 years of Independence as well   considered to be the world’s oldest   the “7 African music festivals you
          as the 50th birthday of the head of   mine with iron ore deposits that   really have to see”, and also named
          state, but it also marked when the   constitute to one of the oldest geo-  as BBC’s Top African Festival, the
          country went from being Swaziland   logical formations in the world. All   MTN bushfire fest is globally rec-
          to Eswatini overnight. Literally.   that remains today of the ancient   ognized. It is a music & arts festival
          However, an interesting fact to note   mine is a modest hole in the hillside,   that celebrates creative expression
          is that the Kingdom was always     known as the Lion Cavern. You can   whilst promoting social responsi-
          considered Eswatini by it’s people.   visit the mine on a guided tour from   bility, stimulating the economy and
          The change was only a legal affir-  the nearby visitor center, which   drawing talent and tourists from
          mation. The name means, the place   displays samples of various mineral   across Africa and around the world.
          or land of the Swazi/the place of   deposits and a life-size diorama of   This year’s festival takes place 24-26
          the people of Mswati.              an iron-age smelter at work, among   May at Malandela’s House on Fire.
                                             other extraordinary exhibits.
          Second largest rock found here                                        Words for Eswatini
          Sibebe Rock which is located on the   Two capital cities              Indeed there are showers of
          outskirts of Mbabane, is the world’s   Mbabane is the administrative capi-  blessings coming on the king-
          second largest monolith (single    tal while Lobamba is the traditional
          piece of rock). It lags a little behind   capital. It is also the seat of King   dom of Eswatini and Afrika and
          Australia’s Uluru.                 Mswati III and where the houses    I pray none of us will miss them.

                                             of parliament and other national   Blessings and curses are mostly
          Best big Five safari experiences   institutions are situated. Lobamba is   the results of spoken words, so
          It is possible to observe the famous   located close to the Ezulwini Valley.   I pray that as Afrikans, we will
          big five which consists of lion,   A tourist hotspot.                 begin to understand and also use
          leopard, rhino, elephant and buffalo                                  words to accurately shape our
          in Eswatini. It is also to be noted                                   lives and purposes.

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