Page 76 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 76


                                                                                tence, which would result in a new
                                                                                and better reality for you and those
                                                                                around you. Using fear and lies,
                                                                                lies and fear to control, while they
                                                                                secretly build the world they want
                                                                                around you. That is their intent.
                                                                                And, because the world has em-
                                                                                braced much of the limiting reality
                                                                                they spew forth like capitalism,
                                                                                invisible borders, passports, iden-
                                                                                tity cards, land ownership, forced
                                                                                compliance… and because people
                                                                                have consumed so many lies, they
                                                                                cooperate without stopping to
                                                                                think. So, you have people on social
                                                                                media using their creative power
                                                                                in the form of words to hate, hurt
                                                                                and hinder other people, instead of
          people who had specific authorities   therefore the only way forward
          for its rollout. The words used on   is providing food security using   building with love and compassion
          people since the reveal of Covid   GMOs, or “climate change” which    what could be a much better and
          in 2020, which were accompanied    means we all have to change our be-  safer space. There are people curs-
                                                                                ing, using sarcasm, rudeness, brutali-
          by images of Chinese authorities   havior and live in only one specific
          ‘sanitizing’ cities using massive sci-fi   and prescribed way. Because they   ty and hurtful bluntness like baseball
          movie looking machines and people   said. Using… words. I could also get   bats and swords to crush, tear down
          collapsing and dying in the street   into what they said about you and   and destroy instead of using life and
          have all been about death, deadly   me as Afrikans – backwards, igno-  blessing to create beauty around us.
                                                                                This has to stop. Because, while we
          illness, miscarriages, protection, ‘the   rant, sickly, diseased, poor, illiterate,
          greater good’, pandemic, speed of   uneducated, inept, failures, corrupt,   do all these useless and mean things
          spread, bodies lying in the streets,   war-ridden, despotic, greedy, unciv-  to one another, the real game is be-
          ‘it WILL happen to you and your    ilized etc.                        ing played on our heads and minds
          family’, stay at home, stay away from   So, the world is being re-framed by   to direct us towards futility and divi-
                                                                                sion, so that we can be more easily
          people, danger… and so on. There   the words of men whose hearts are
          has been no hope being shared –    set on evil. What they are creating –   controlled. Afrika has experienced
          outside of the untested vaccine…   or have succeeded in creating thus   this firsthand for ages and should be
          which is a false hope, used to ma-  far is a mind-numbingly limited re-  much more sensitive to and mindful
          nipulate people into a global digital   ality of life and living, with artificial   of it.
          controlled universe.               borders and existential states that
                                             seek to contain all the potential of   It dawned on me recently that
          All of this started with words.    over 7 billion diverse and wonderful   through some miraculous occur-
          Words which created realities. I   human beings into tiny little boxes   rence, billions of people in the
          mean, thank God for the fall which   of what you can do, what you can   world, who never for once trusted
                                                                                the word of their governments and
          limited our creative power expo-   say, where you can live, where you
          nentially, otherwise who knows how   can go, what you can eat, how you   were constantly criticizing them over
          bad things could have been had this   can think, who you can interact   one thing or another SUDDENLY
          been a full power declaration.     with, what you can own and on      began to believe everything their
          I used the example of Covid but    and on. Simply because they want   governments were telling them
                                                                                about Covid. How? Those corrupt
          I could also go into the “need for   to control the unlimited potential
          democracy”… which no country       in each one with silly, little ideas,   governments that were stealing from
          in the world actually abides by, the   so that they can harness you into   people, lying to people, cheating in
          “war on terrorism”, or the “war    their tools and slaves for the future.   elections, diverting funds to their
          on drugs”, or the claims they make   Silencing you and preventing you   own or their friends’ pockets. Those
                                                                                governments which were clueless
          that the world will run out of food   from speaking the truth into exis-
                                                                                about the economy and were failing

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