Page 94 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 20
P. 94
Health & Healing
Too bad, so sad? Really? Is that I know that what is happening is there and let things rot or fall apart
what we have become? It sometimes that voice is calling into question around us? Then cry and complain
seems that way, in a society where things that people have invested in that the sky is falling on our heads
individuals are more eager to record and outcomes they have pursued when all along we were the ones
the horrors they witness around for years and yet they simply do not who were meant to be the solutions
them on their mobile phones and want to face the possibility of doing to these issues?
post them to social media, instead without them. They are afraid of Injustice doesn’t just thrive by itself.
of actually intervening and saving what it could mean for the comforts It is provided with an environment
the victims of these attacks. They they have acquired and longed for that allows it to take root, grow,
would rather have the views and say, and they are safeguarding them as blossom and reproduce itself in
“Yes, I was there”, than do any- much as they possibly can. Unaware sector after sector of society. It does
thing to remedy what is going on. A that this choice to leave untraveled not just suddenly manifest itself. It
grown woman would rather tell an- the road that they are being invited grows in the humid greenhouses of
other woman and her little child to to access is robbing them of who our collective disregard and finds
their faces that they will die because they really are and why they are its strength in the neglect of those
they refused to take the Covid-19 really here. Ignorant of the fact meant to uproot and destroy it.
vaccine. But why the increase in that as they continue to make the
indifference and the inability to choice to abandon their true path Let me call out those who claim
empathize and to sacrifice oneself and calling, they are contributing to to be of the Christian faith here
for others? their own enslavement and to the for a minute. Those of you sitting
The erosion of one’s identity allows empowerment of the world system around navel-gazing and waiting to
one to fall away from their purpose that is encroaching on them and be raptured from all these ‘prob-
and from the ability to really see their families. lems’ in the world. Trying to keep
what is going on around them. And your hands clean like Pilate all the
when real sight is lost, what do you Worse yet, they fail to see that what while saying to yourselves ‘it was
have left? No humanity. No type they have done in turning away from foretold’ that all of these things
of moral compass. No discernment that calling is to spurn their inheri- would happen and refusing to do
about or understanding concerning tance, thereby disqualifying them as anything about it. Shame on you!!!
the consequences of the decay tak- heirs of a destiny far greater than Your laziness and ineptitude are
ing place in the society around them, they could ever hope to purchase part of the reason why injustice is
nor their role in preventing it. No for themselves by compromising to thriving on earth. You refuse to deal
life to give. No ability to sense or the world system. It’s a great and with corruption in your heart, in
desire to fight corruption and evil. miserable tragedy. your home, in your church, in your
You just become a blank mold into office, in your schools, governments
which any form of foolishness can They refused to pay attention. and then you sit around waiting to
be poured, formed and live through. Therefore, they simply drift aimless- join Christ Jesus in the heavens to
ly and pointlessly through this realm come and fight the same things on
Leaving you to drift along aimlessly and are useless in the prevention of earth that you were given dominion
for the rest of your days – unless injustice and the fight for righteous- over? What kind of stupid reasoning
something changes. ness. Sincerely speaking, how can it is that? Even the scriptures speak of
You see, I know that what is hap- be that we would be aware of the faithfulness in the least attracting a
pening with people is that they are problems that are going on in the greater responsibility. How will you
deliberately ignoring the voice inside world around us and we would not be able to deal with injustice in an
them that is urging them towards take pause to examine their origin eternal reality if you leave it un-
a different direction. I know it be- and consider their possible trajec- tended while there is breath in your
cause that is the voice that rescued tory and its impact on the society body? Or were you not told in the
me from oblivion. It was accom- in the short, middle and long term. Bible that you will judge angels? If
panied by physical experiences, How could we not then, having you won’t pay attention to injustice
some of which I wish I could have considered the possible impacts, not on earth, then with what capacity
avoided and walked away from, but acted in order to offset or prevent will you judge angels whose faces
all of which have contributed to the ones that are destructive and you cannot even look at?
the overall story. Everything has its negative to the welfare of the soci- You have allowed the corruption on
usefulness somehow. ety around us? How can we just sit earth to flourish by your desire to
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