Page 13 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 13
chasing them or what is causing
their deaths. We don’t use any
form of chemicals in our house.
• We walk past shops where very
beautiful and bright flowers are
sold but notice no presence of
bees or any fragrance. Which is
not normal or natural.
• We have been hearing from the
internet that animals are begin-
ning to avoid some kinds of
foods. I am talking about foods
made in the labs, GM foods
and the like that are grown with
toxic chemicals. Meaning nature,
by divine wisdom, understands
that there is an imbalance in our
Now, here is the thing I am trying to
say. When are we going to pause and
re-look at this dying society we call
civilization before we all are dead
of the very evil trees we have been
planting all these years? We take life
for granted when we pollute our
atmosphere with toxic substances,
forgetting that the more there is
toxic substance in the air, the less
and things we rather would call or and the wickedness in the hearts of there is oxygen and that is the begin-
see as insignificant. men will not allow even nature to ning of some disaster that is about
thrive within itself. So, now we have to happen. The dying man on the
A world of self-deception fools running around talking about sick bed with an oxygen mask on his
climate change but who won’t stop face must understand what it means
We have created a world system that establishing the companies that emit that breathing clean oxygen without
is based on many falsehoods and the very pollution, or destroying the machines is gold worth protecting.
foolish things, one of them being, forests, which effects are causing the But are we paying attention to things
“eat or be eaten”. Some even use climate change. How dumb is that? around us and how much we are
the statement that life is a jungle taking for granted the very things
and only the strong survive. But Back to my initial thought about that need protection?
that is actually the consequence how solutions or answers are found
of our foolish, proud, greedy and all around us if we choose to ac- Honoring the little busy bees
egoistic approach to life and not knowledge them.
how the Supreme One intended For some time now, in my house we
us to live on earth. The One who Have you recently been noticing stopped using white or brown sugar
made everything on the earth in something very weird with bees, for our beverages. We use more of
such abundance was aware, from flowers and nature in general? honey and then recently we added a
the beginning of time, that there Let me share a few: bit of jaggery which is more healthy
is never any time that there will • For more than two years now, than processed white sugar. It was
be lack, if man will only accept to we have been noticing bees fly a conscious decision that we made
live on earth based on simple laid into our apartment and in a knowing the health issues con-
down principles. But no, the greed few minutes, they are belly up... nected to processed sugar and the
DEAD. We can’t tell what is many other chemicals that are used