Page 18 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 18
Art & Culture
sion instead of oppression, are such hand. Reasoning can happen at any points about Rastafari, I will now
expressions. The use of I and I in- time in any place and can go on for draw a connection between Rastafari
stead of me and Ital livity and have hours. and Pan-Africanism.
more complex concepts behind the After the Berlin conference in
expression. Nyabinghi drumming and 1884/85, when the official coloni-
reggae music zation of the African continent had
I and I Nyabinghi drumming is an inher- been sealed, the Pan-African move-
Rastafarians do not like to use the ently Rastafarian-African practice. ment started to grow. Its goal was –
word ‘me’ since it carries an ego- It can be accompanied by chanting and probably still is – the decoloni-
centric vibe. I and I as a concept and dancing and it is practiced es- zation of the African continent. The
describes the oneness of all things. pecially on Rastafarian holy days or first Pan-African congress happened
I and I means we are one people. I assemblies. But the drums can also in 1900 and was organized by the
and I does refer to the divinity with- be played in an informal setting. Trinidadian Henry Sylvester Wil-
in oneself. I and I is the oneness of The drumming itself was brought liams. Later, Marcus Garvey led the
the physical and spiritual self. to Jamaica by formerly enslaved Af- big Pan-African movement called
ricans. The rhythms are reported to the Universal Negro Improvement
Ital livity have derived from Congo and West Association and African Communi-
Rastafari is a lifestyle and an every- Africa. The colonial masters allowed ties League (UNIA- ACL). Marcus
day choice. Part of this lifestyle is drums to be played in the plantation Garvey rallied millions of people of
a healthy nutrition. It is safe to say fields, because they noticed that African descent behind him, with
that all Rastafarians agree that a the drumming made it possible for the goal of liberation and reclaiming
healthy diet is crucial for the well- Africans to keep up a certain pace. being African as something positive
being of oneself. When it comes to The tradition of drumming survived and the African continent as a place
the question of what a healthy diet after the abolition of slavery and to be. Marcus Garvey played - and
looks like, opinions differ. Some made its way into the Rastafarian still plays - an important role for
Rastafarians are strictly vegan, some movement. Rastafarians and Pan-Africanists
are vegetarian, some are pescetarian “Nyabinghi” is the Name of an alike.
and others eat chicken occasional- East African Queen, who became a Both Rastafarians and Pan-Afri-
ly. Refraining from excessive salt symbol of anti-colonial resistance. canists share a great love for the
consumption, alcohol consumption These rhythms gave the basis for African people and their continent.
or the use of hard drugs is com- ska, rocksteady and reggae. Developing a positive African image
monsense within the community. Music plays an essential role for is central to the overall picture. In
Although the stereotypical Ras- Rastafarians. Since music is used as this context, a critical examination
tafarian is seen as someone who weapon against Babylon and as a of colonial and neocolonial struc-
smokes Marijuana day in and out, tool for education, Rastafarian lyrics tures is practiced. An understanding
that is not always the case. There are are mostly conscious and aim either of the importance of a self-sustain-
numerous Rastafarians who do not at critiquing the system or educating ing African continent as well as the
smoke marijuana or practice regular their fellow Africans about their understanding of the importance
abstinence for a certain period of Africanness. of an African centered education
time. Rastafarians value the healing are encouraged. Furthermore, it is
properties of the herb and use it in Defying western beauty standards a common belief that the African
smoothies, in cooked food, in teas Locs are a typical Rastafarian continent is the future of the people
or as oil. The smoking of marijuana hairstyle, which represent rebellion of Africa.
is commonly a ritual activity, which and strength. Even though not all And most importantly, everyone
can happen in community and can Rastafarians carry Locs, Rastafari wants unity among the African
be accompanied by reasoning. stands against the western beauty people of the continent and of the
standards. Thus, Rastafarians pro- diaspora.
Reasoning mote African fabrics, natural hair-
Reasoning or grounding is a process styles and strongly advocate against So what is the point of all
in which different Rastafarians come bleaching. gathered information above?
together and discuss different topics. Connection between Rastafari As I just said: Everyone wants unity
It’s a space where everyone can and general Pan-Africanism among African people. In order
share their opinion on the matters at After breaking down a few essential to unite, we (Africans/people of
18 | we tell the true afrikan story