Page 19 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 21
P. 19

Art & Culture

          African descent) need to know who   how to help her striving, we should
          is sharing our main goals.         make an effort and speak with each   Africans have to unite across the
          Through the lens of the Western    other. It is possible to have different   boundaries of spiritual or religious
          world, we can easily get a distorted   opinions on one topic and come   belief systems. Everyone should be
          picture of Pan-Africanism and all   to an agreement on another topic.    able to believe in what feels right
          of its diverse manifestations. This   Conversations can also help us to   for them. And nobody should be
          doesn’t mean that everyone has to   understand each other better. Even   facing discrimination because of
          become Rastafari, but it does mean   though we will not agree, but at   their beliefs or the outer appearance
          that we Africans have to value each   least we can broaden our horizons   that comes with these beliefs.  Since
          other because of our different     and develop more respect for each   Africa is the cradle of humanity,
          perspectives. One of our main goals   other. Learning from other Africans   Africa displays a diversity that is
          should be to tell African stories   and their experiences is a form of   rarely seen in any other place. And
          from an African perspective and    education which will permit us to   yet, the shared history of colonial-
          make a consistent effort to learn   create solutions.                 ism, enslavement and discrimination
          from each other without holding on                                    in a white supremacist society, unites
          to prejudice.                      3.     Music and Education         us.  For the wellbeing of the African
                                             I believe that, if more Pan-African   continent it’s worth coming together
                                             minded people would promote their   and finding African solutions for
          And what can we learn from         thoughts and an African centered   African problems. Africa is for all
          the Rastafarian movement?          education through music, some      the Africans at home and abroad.
                                             Africans who didn’t even know that
          1.     Unity despite diversity     they are Pan-African would discov-
          Pan-Africanism and the develop-    er the beauty and importance of
          ment of an African consciousness   Pan-Africanism. Yes, sometimes we
          are on a steady rise. If all Pan-Afri-  all do need music for pure physical
          canists can agree on the greatness   enjoyment, but we also do need a
          of Africa and her People, it should   stimulation of our brains. Imagine if
          be possible to appear as a united   singing along to your favorite song
          front to the global society. That does   could mean enjoying yourself while
          not mean – I cannot stress it enough   learning something.
          – that all Africans and people of    In promoting educational music, we
          African descent have to become     are walking in our ancestor’s foot-
          the same and that everyone has to   steps. Music brings people togeth-
          give up his or her unique culture   er. And African Music has been a
          in order to be a part of a Pan-Af-  means to tell stories, to celebrate
          ricanist movement. It does mean    life, to educate the children and for
          that, we have to love each other no   resistance since the early days.
          matter our cultures and spiritual and   Nonetheless, non-musical formal
          religious beliefs.                 education is a main factor to the
          (And yes, sure, everything that    advancement of the African conti-
          promotes violence should not be    nent. For example, some Rastafar-
          tolerated.)                        ian communities set up their own
                                             schools, because they do not trust
          2.     Having Conversations        the western educational system. And
          The same as reasoning is a common   as I said in my Article “The History
          Rastafarian practice along different   and Development of Education in
          and like-minded people, having     Afrika” it is about time, that Af-
          more  conversations and discussions   ricans create an African centered
          should be practiced by all different   school system.
          groups of Africans. It’s okay that we
          do not always share the same beliefs,   Africa for the Africans at home
          but when it is about Africa and    and abroad

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 21 | MARCH 2022         19
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